Ardour on macOs connects to AWS initially

Hi there,
I just installed Ardour the first time on a macOS System and encountered, that it initially (on first start) tries to connect to AWS.

Is this intended?
I never got asked by my UFW firewall on my Linux system for a new app. So I wonder, why this happens on macOS.

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Yes, it’s the new version check.

Ardour pings back to (which is hosted on AWS) to check if a new version is available, and inform you if that is the case.

You can disable it in various ways. You can pass either the -a or --no-announcements commandline option, change Ardour’s Preferences > General > New Version Check, or compile Ardour with --no-phone-home configuration option.

The request is anonymous, the only data shared is the current Ardour version and the operating system used.


Hey Robin, thank you so much for this quick and comprehensive answer. :slight_smile:

Now I wonder, why my UFW never did a ping to me. But this is not your business. :woozy_face: