Ardour + Jamin.


i use Jamin with ardour as an insert in the master postfader. Jamin takes around 95% cpu usage and an export needs from 2 to 40! Minutes.
The system specs are:
Ardour 2.7.1
Jack 0.116.1 (checked other versions but without a solution)
Archlinux with 2.6.28 stockkernel
cpu x86_64 Amd dualcore.

I think the reason was the XMMS and any other player that was connected to jackd. that slows the ardour and jamin combo down.

may i ask you what command you are using for starting jackd?


I use qjackctl to start and stop the daemon.

ok, than fire up qjack and as soon it shows that jackd has started stop it via qjack again. if now you open the ‘messeges’ window of qjack and scroll a little bit to the top, you will see the command qjack was using for starting jackd.


It sounds similar to my problem from a couple of years ago:

If you have a TAP EQ/SC4 combo on any tracks, try removing them and see if the load decreases.

i’ve this combo in many tracks, i will check it and give a feedback later.