Ardour Italian translation: help and call to action - Amici italiani fatevi vivi!

Hi all!

Long story you can skip it
I’ve ben stuck on Ardour 5.12 since it came out, as it was the last version I could make a donation for… Now, I wanted to move on and switch to the new version, but honestly I’m not in the position to make a new donation so I decided to download the source code and compile it myself. Nonetheless I had this background sensation of “stealing” something from the community, so when I noticed that the Italian translation is not complete, I thought to myself that helping with it could be my little contribution to the community.

Now the topic
I’ve been working on a local copy of the .po file, and I’ve translated a lot of strings, but now as the italian translation is quite old and there are many features that have to be translated from scratch, I’m facing a new problem: how to give an italian name to the new features (and all the terminology around them)?

I’ll give you an example: the “CUE” page has a lot of new things that have to be somewhat translated, starting from the word cue itself, which has no direct correspondant in italian (and if it did it certainly couldn’t be three chars long), and then there are words like “Slot”, “Clip” and so on…

So it’s not only a matter of translation, it’s a kind of creative work that leads to come up with something that would work in your language respecting the actual functionalities of the software fitting the original string length in order not to screw up the UI… And alll these new names will be used from now on in the future versions of Ardour!

I’ve got to confess that it’s a bit of responsibility, that’s why I’m asking for some help from other italian users.

Un appello a tutti gli utenti italiani di Ardour: se ci siete battete un colpo e cerchiamo di fare del nostro meglio per tradurre le nuove funzionalità! :slight_smile:

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Ciao, esiste il gruppo telegram “Ardour Italia”, se vuoi unisciti che proviamo ad aiutarti !

Non lo sapevo grazie. Lo cerco.

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