Ardour from ubuntu repository yes or no?

I just went from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS. Until now I used Ardour 5.12 or 6.9, I don’t remember well since I’ve installed it years ago.
I have the 7.2.0 but I haven’t used it since I was worried to have problems with the works I started on the older version.
Now I saw that in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS there is Ardour 8.0 in the snap app center and Ardour 7 in the deb repository that I added to the OS.
Is it ok to install any of the two, is it better I install my 7.2 downloaded from here years ago? I won’t have to open again the older works, just started new ones, however I have all the vst downloaded years ago.
I don’t know if there might be problems or other.
Thank you

The current release of Ardour is 8.10 and it is the only one we suggest using unless you have existing older sessions that for some reason do not work with the current version.


You can use the versions of Ardour that are in the distro repos but only the bundled version of Ardour you get with a subscription is supported by the devs

One word answer: No.


Ok got it. The versions I have here are all bundled I’ve downloaded when my subscription was active.

It is not difficult to compile it, I usually use the official ardour releases (download source code) on Debian (currently version 12). You simply have to install some dependencies and do the build.


Also, Ardour 7 won’t work with yabridge

Ardour 7 is perfectly capable of using yabridge.

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Sure. Just to correct myself, there was an issue with Ardour 7.3 who was crashing some plugins, not Ardour 7.

I’m currently using that exact version of Ardour (latest Ubuntu package), and I can absolutely confirm I would not use any previous version over the latest (except in the case of compatibility or something, of course). The latest is such an improvement in so many areas, and the Ubuntu instance is just fine for new projects of essentially any kind.