Ardour exports flatline WAV file, no playhead movement through file

What has changed since? Have you added some plugins? Any significant different between the snapshot that exports and the one that does not?

I’m trying to remember if there were any specific issues with Ardour 6.9.0 that could explain it, while my memory does not go that far back, I don’t recall anything close to what you describe.

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Similar here, this exact behavior I don’t remember seeing.


Thank you both. I copied the project onto another machine with is identical in hardware and OS and created a new instance on it.
The new instance has the same problem of export.All other functionality appears OK. Just like on the source machine.
If I thought it might be worth a shot I would try to look at code to determine what is preventing that playhead from moving. If either of you think this is worth a shot let me know. WIll download the code and try it anyway.

I have to install Ardour 7 very soon and will give feedback on results with export problem.
All attempts to get export to work have failed.

  • Removed tracks and plugins, leaving only a midi drum, without WAV files or plugins in any track.

Result: fast export with no playhead movement and resulting flatline WAV.

Yes I have added plugins but removing them does not cause Export function to create a WAV
file and move playhead as in a normal export.

If I make a template out of this problem project and record a single midi track and WAV file they will export to an empty WAV file. (that is a failed export)
If I make a template of a previous version that exports fine, it will also export fine with a midi track and wav file.

So two things i am just realizing we didn’t cover earlier:

  1. What distro are you using?
  2. Where did you get the version of Ardour from, this website or your distro?

While you seem to have a problem that is specific to that session/state of session, it could be caused by a different issue so I am curious on #1 and #2 in that case. Just in case you are using a distro compiled/provided version when you do test with A7, please test with a version from this website, even the free version, to see if there is a difference.


Distro is Ubuntu Studio 22.04.
Ardour version 6.9.0, came with distrol.
Subsequent Ardour 6.9 projects on this machine show no export problem.
Have not had a chance to look at XML files. Maybe there is some incorrect value related to this snapshop. I tried a look at the C++ code to see how the export might start without actually moving the playhead. Maybe wishful thinking that I"ll spot something.
What about the XML files? Something tied to this snapshot maybe. Have not had a chance to dig into those yet.

I will install A7 from the website that you suggest and let you know.
Thank you.

Can you upload the session, so we can have a look?

I guess it’s too large to be attached to a ticket at, so please zip up the whole session folder and put it on google-drive, onedrive, or someplace similar.

If you cannot share it publicly please email to Thanks.

I tested with Ardour 7.1 with this cmd:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntustudio-ppa/ardour-backports
sudo apt upgrade

I will next try Ardour 7.1 from Ardour site like I was asked to.

But with above, using Ardour 7.1 the strange unchecking of Master bus with only I channel re-appears as shown in #3 screenshot above.
I’ve gone through all the comparing all the settings between a snapshot that works and the problem one.
I’ve removed plug-ins.
Still possible I overlooked something so will check again and
get the Ardour site v7 download to try.

Because you got A7 from Ubuntu, make sure when you test with the package from this site that you run it directly by giving the full path to the binary (Located in /opt)


I sent a link to the Ardour 6 version of this project.
You should have access. I will check my gmail account in case
any issues. Thank you.

Thanks. I have received it, and I can reproduce the bug with Ardour 7.4-302. – I’ll investigate.

OK I found the issue, have a solution, but I cannot explain how this could have happened.

The default Session export was marked as “Region Export With Fades”. To fix this I’ve edited the .ardour session file and replaced

ExportChannelConfiguration split="0" channels="2" region-processing="Fades">


<ExportChannelConfiguration split="0" channels="2" region-processing="None"> 

The fixed session file can be found at:

Thank you for finding the cause of this problem and providing solution. It was getting difficult not being able to export and not being able to explain exactly why. There is always more to learn about Ardour.
Much appreciated!

Hi Robin.
All has been well until I was asked to provide every available export format from same project now running Ardour 7.2.0~ds0 “Wrong Way Up” (rev 7.2.0~ds0-2~bpo22.04.1~ppa1). This is from Ubuntu repo.
Choosing CD (Red Book) causes exact same problem at top of this thread; loss of one channel of output in export menu, stationary play head during export and an export empty file.
I backup the Ardour file before every session so didn’t get burnt this time.
I will poke around some more and add any info that might be helpful.

I suspect that perhaps one of your export profiles (~/.config/ardour7/export) somehow was changed to enable region-processing.

Starting with Ardour 7.5 loading such profiles will unset the flag for default session export.

Looking at the config files for Ardour6 (the version with original problem)
no export files in the .config/Ardour6/export include a region-processing element or attribute.
Having no issues with Ardour 7.

Sorry to report this issue has returned using Ardour 7.5.0~ds “Neroli”
I selected CD RedBook, which I have not touched for weeks & export problem with all symptoms returns. All above screen shots are apply; 1 channel only shown on Export Tab3 and no playhead movement, just a timeline expands & empty WAV file. Other functionality is OK.

I have the text showing before and after content of -ExportProfile- which I can email to you.
Your original fixes don’t seem to apply now but I was able to restore this section from backup and resolve issue.

Does selecting CD Red Book cause same issue for others?
Selecting it will always break export function for me. Strange.
I have to backup session files to be able to recover export function using -ExportProfile- XML section.

Thank you.

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