I have created a Discrod server for Ardour users:
Everybody is welcome
I have created a Discrod server for Ardour users:
Everybody is welcome
but… but… IRC !
Young punks… GET OFF MY LAWN!
Who actually hasn’t been in IRC in a while either, but is fine keeping on that;)
“Everybody who has a browser with javascript and does not mind tracking by google is welcome :)” – there fixed that for you.
The page unsurprisingly comes up empty here:
curl -L https://discord.gg/uhZFu4
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" name="viewport"> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Discord" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers" /> <meta property="og:description" content="Step up your game with a modern voice & text chat app. Crystal clear voice, multiple server and channel support, mobile apps, and more. Get your free server now!" /><meta property="og:image" content="https://discordapp.com/assets/ee7c382d9257652a88c8f7b7f22a994d.png" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@discordapp"> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@discordapp"> <link rel="chrome-webstore-item" href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lcbhdgefieegnkbopmgklhlpjjdgmbog"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/0.9eb8e4a54b26ca360589.css" integrity="sha256-owComKhvstjnVfZtkFM63ZFYZmC0rYfTONSjrRJU0PI= sha512-wYfTb6gNGwCLPkp5ar6qclnXVuLFgxfsTTCWodL0n/svCm8npHR9AB6/rTIlYDKKttlrAe2bn2Eo6xoiWCx4bw=="><link rel="icon" href="/assets/07dca80a102d4149e9736d4b162cff6f.ico" /> <title>Discord</title> </head> <body> <div id="app-mount"></div> <script>window.__OVERLAY__ = /overlay/.test(location.pathname)</script><script>window.GLOBAL_ENV = { API_ENDPOINT: '//discordapp.com/api', WEBAPP_ENDPOINT: '//discordapp.com', CDN_HOST: 'cdn.discordapp.com', ASSET_ENDPOINT: 'https://discordapp.com', WIDGET_ENDPOINT: '//discordapp.com/widget', INVITE_HOST: 'discord.gg', MARKETING_ENDPOINT: '//discordapp.com', RELEASE_CHANNEL: 'stable', BRAINTREE_KEY: 'production_5st77rrc_49pp2rp4phym7387', STRIPE_KEY: 'pk_live_CUQtlpQUF0vufWpnpUmQvcdi', };</script><script>!function(){if(null!=window.WebSocket){var n=function(n){try{var e=localStorage.getItem(n);return null==e?null:JSON.parse(e)}catch(n){return null}},e=n("token"),o=n("gatewayURL");if(e&&o){var r=null!=window.DiscordNative||null!=window.require?"etf":"json",t=o+"/?encoding="+r+"&v=6";void 0!==window.Uint8Array&&(t+="&compress=zlib-stream"),console.log("[FAST CONNECT] "+t+", encoding: "+r+", version: 6");var a=new WebSocket(t);a.binaryType="arraybuffer";var i=Date.now(),s={open:!1,gateway:t,messages:[]};a.onopen=function(){console.log("[FAST CONNECT] connected in "+(Date.now()-i)+"ms"),s.open=!0},a.onclose=a.onerror=function(){window._ws=null},a.onmessage=function(n){s.messages.push(n)},window._ws={ws:a,state:s}}}}();</script><script src="/assets/792f8c9a8e3f967ccecf.js" integrity="sha256-6a/tUTymYe1cEX0VA20arIccJkNTx3jnjUp7gsriwrc= sha512-RN28gox2UQfHlaB9wohfyHFCnAmR2e4k2h6+ZgJzEFeh3aBVc1SylGocwxFXTDFps5loWPsDMZ7S2P5TpPbLdw=="></script><script src="/assets/c869b66c1e16d5ca6ae1.js" integrity="sha256-8H+E2xLoyprxTJJ4j3tXmy5zuxoiWhHghK3EI6KJr1o= sha512-pjpcLHLfIkbOn2PQy1KjGPW3YBKr4tkK5AZs/Ipaa7dAKYuclNLjzYUE9nCya5tA6t88hGumulAJpxDWClFM3g=="></script><script src="/assets/d584711e150c6741c5cc.js" integrity="sha256-wrkfwrbeDCOXAeZWvksM5T6UDsolZz8NHMfziz/eaog= sha512-dsoD/mAZ/6su7FED28UeG7Tdw98JzGM/eiW1vaxxpmz+icrJVqLDzVatJhMql86x+v5ZZmgvgZ9/Bh5Y0uKD8A=="></script></body> </html>
x42: What do you mean empty? It has a link to chrome webstore!
unfa: you may or may not have anyone connect there, but expect at least some push back when suggesting to use a proprietary application which requires connecting to a server infrastructure the project admins can’t control. This is after all a free/libre software project that has arguably given up potential gains in order to stick strictly to libre software principles.
The most realistic way forward would be to install Discourse (or similar) on ardour.org – the main issue why this has not yet happened is that old posts as well as user-accounts and payment and donation system will have to be migrated. See https://community.ardour.org/node/13932
Fragmenting the community further by fragmenting the forum will likely be counter-productive.
Yea, that reminds me I am curious whatever happened there anyways:)
I don’t view the Discord as an alternative to the forum, just another place for Ardour users to socialize.
I think the invite link is inactive, I’ll replace that. I’ll also link to the Ardour Discourse there.
Looks like I can’t modify the original post. Here’s a new invite link:
Anybody who’s not allergic to proprietary, locked-in, user-tracing, data-selling corporations is welcome!
Jokes aside - I think I’ll consider replacing Discord in the future.
I find Discord to be very convenient (also with it’s Android client, that I use a lot), I’ve tried Riot.im, but I just don’t see it replacing Discord for now unfortunately. I’d love to see a community-driven solution that could take it’s place.
Mastodon is a great example - an open-source, decentralized replacement for Twitter, that I actually enjoy using. I hope the ActivityPub guys can come up with something.
Update: I’m revisiting Riot.im and this time around I like it much more! It seems like something that could replace Discord!