Ardour crashing very often when typing in Zyn-Fusion

I am using Ardour 8.2.0 since a while, today upgraded to 8.4.0 from, and I face segfaults almost every time when I type something in Zyn-Fusion. E.g. name a macro learn slot, save an instrument and type the name in the file dialog.
I activate that the plugin receives keyboard events. Sometimes I have success and I can enter a instrument file name with one character and rename it outside of Ardour.

This is what is written to the console till the segfault:

[INFO] Opened the zynaddsubfx UI...
[INFO] Ready to run
[INFO:Zyn] zest_open()
[INFO:Zyn] zest_open(osc.udp://
[INFO:Zyn] Found Assets at /opt/zyn-fusion/
[INFO:Zyn] Starting Zyn-Fusion
[INFO:Zyn] Thanks for supporting the development of this project
[INFO:Zyn] Creating MRuby Interpreter...
[debug] parsing json file
[debug] json parsed succesfully
Time for a fast load is 2.85ms load(0.024) class(0.001) spawn(2.825)...
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
making reverse graph[1443]<1.546 ms>
[INFO:Zyn] zest_setup(osc.udp://
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/alert:'
handlePluginKeyEvent 1 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 0 1

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 0 54

special event = 57365, 1
handlePluginKeyEvent 1 69 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 69 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 81 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 81 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 0 54

special event = 57365, 0
handlePluginKeyEvent 1 32 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 32 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 0 54

special event = 57365, 1
handlePluginKeyEvent 1 70 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 70 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 82 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 69 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 82 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 69 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 1 81 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 81 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 0 54

special event = 57365, 0
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/file_list_dirs:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/file_list_files:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/file_list_dirs:'
Unknown address<BACKEND:online> '/file_list_files:'
handlePluginKeyEvent 1 0 54

special event = 57365, 1
handlePluginKeyEvent 1 66 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 66 0

handlePluginKeyEvent 0 0 54

special event = 57365, 0
Segmentation fault

How can I reduce such crashes?

You will need a debug build, which you can get from

It seems I need more advice. I installed Ardour-8.4.18-dbg, installed gdb and run Ardour according to the receipe on the debugging ardour page. When I head over to Zyn-Fusion, I can use the mose to operate it, but keyboard does not work. Regardless if I enable keyboard events on the plugin.

Another path I went, installing an older version of Zyn-Fusion from kxstudio (3.0.5 vs. 3.0.7), revealed that the crashes do not happen anymore. So I assume it is my build of 3.0.7 which leads to the crashes.

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