Ardour Crash and impossible to open project


i was working with ardour for a few month and i wanted to try the midi import.

first couple of try and ardour crashes

then i rename the project and it import

But it crashed and now there is question mark (??) with the frequency of the track

Also, all others project won’t open

Ardour start, i got the listing of my project and when i want to start one, ardour crashes

Someone have a solution for me?


Btw, i’ve already tried to delete and reinstall.
I got it to work one time when i launch ardour3 from the console

What version are you using? Using MIDI with the current official release is going to cause problems for many users (not all, maybe not even most, but many. A new release will be out in about a month; nightly builds are available from FOR TESTING ONLY.

can’t tell the version since it crash with every attempt.

Last try, it seems i’ve the up to date version

On a command line terminal:
ardour3 --version

Will tell you the version without trying to load anything.


Ardour3.5.403 (construit avec 3.5-403-gec2cb31 et GCC version 4.4.6)

can you help me to recover the session?
i will take some time to get my ardour fonctionning again but if you can help me retrieve my work it would be great


He Zebassprohet,

I had a similar problem as you (this one: and got it fixed just an hour ago like that:

  1. I downloaded a nightly version of Ardour (Ardour3.5.4177 - a version still in development) from here:
  2. I installed it (deinstalled Ardour3.5.403 during this process) by typing “./” in the terminal
  3. I opened with the newly installed Ardour the project file, that previously made Ardour crash (this worked with Ardour3.5.4177)
  4. I saved the project file under a new name
  5. I downloaded the Ardour3.5.403 and installed it (and deinstalled Ardour3.5.4177 during this process)
  6. I opened the project with the new name

Hope this helps.

thank you a lot

I got some people helping me on a french website, i will see if they find a solution, and i will try yours as soon as possible

hello zebassprophet
linux ou os x ?

linux (ubuntu)

2 directions:
-comme a écrit Paul: essaye avec les nightly builds
-fais une copie de tout : session ( avec les fichiers), history, history.bak, ardour.bak , instant;
sors du dossier de la session: instant, history, .bak: ( tu perds l’agencement des fenêtres ) et essaye d’ouvrir la session

pour l’instant, le midi n’est pas au top, surtout avec la version que tu utilises, les dernières versions sont meilleures…
si besoin: bajaas at ( précise bien dans l’objet)

ok, il y’a des gens qui m’aident ici

je dis ce que je fais, si tu peux y jeter un oeil et voir si quelques choses de ce que j’ai fait est pertinent, c’est cool

merci en totu cas


The ardour bug seems to be resolved.
i will try the nightly build to save my file, but it seems hard
If anyone wants to take a try it would be greatly appreciate;)

He Zebass,

i will try the nightly build to save my file, but it seems hard

should be a quick and easy task for you. If you have questions with it, just ask.

i got the nightly build to work
but i got this when i want to open my file

[ERROR]: Could not understand session file /home/zebassprophet/home/zebassprophet/newprojet2014/Robotslinuxmao.ardour

can i edit the xml file to tell it not to open the midi?
i don’t really need it and the hard work comme from the audio :frowning:

If you’re feeling brave you could simply carry on using the nightly build for continued work. Hints have been dropped that it’s close to a release so there shouldn’t be major bugs, and a further upgrade to the official release (promised for this month) should be harmless when it comes.

i’ve retrieve my work with the nightly build (ouf there was a survivor :D)

and and i’ve recompiled following a tutorial on the internet
i’m waiting for the next release then :slight_smile:

thanks all for the support