Ardour can't play both disk and monitor on record or play mode

I want to get a layered record or play on Ardour. Just like I record on a looping tape, it both has the note I played and has the note that the track already has. But I don’t know or there aren’t any function to realize this.

As for a small keyboard, this function is very important. and for some real-time play situation, play with keyboard input and exist midi-note on a track is very useful!

Could anyone tell me that how to realize this or to fix/add this function?

Zhiyuan Wan

At present, Ardour will do either input monitoring (i.e. the signal passing through a track comes from its inputs) or disk monitoring (i.e. the signal passing through a track comes from disk). It does not do both at once.

There is a compelling case for so called “cue monitoring” where the signal combines both the inputs and disk data. That has not been implemented at this time.

So … use a second track.

paul: Hope it will be implemented soon, maybe I can help to develop it.