Ardour Bug

Ardour isn’t saving properly. When I reload a session the tempo is suddenly 3mins beyond the audio I have i the session. And it doesn’t let me readjust it?
How can this bug be fixed?

Many thanks,


Could you please clarify what you mean by this and rephrase the question? I have a hard time to understand what the issue is that you mean to report.

If this indeed a bug, it would be best reported at - Ideally include an example session or describe how to reproduce the issue. Also: which version of Ardour are you using?

I’m on a the Pi-top OS on the Raspberry Pi 3. and I’ve used sudo apt-get install ardour. This download and I can playback files smoothly but, the issue I have is that the first time I reopen a session (after saving) some vital features don’t work. In this case the tempo is unresponsive and is not in a position that it was left in.
I hope this is a clearer explanation?

many thanks

Yes, thanks. Which version of Ardour is that? Ardour Menu > Help > About.

There were some issues with tempo-markers. e.g. Ardour 5.10 fixes an issues with “Fix failure to load old tempo maps.” ( and 5.11 had some more tempo/time-signature fixes.

The version I have is:

Ardour 5.5.0
“The Plateaux of Mirror”
(rev 32bit

Please upgrade to Ardour 5.12. Your distribution may not have it, in which case get it from

There’s no reason to be using such an old version of the program.

This was solved by upgrading to 5.12 - see Instructions to Install Ardour On Pi