Ardour 8.0 is released

Thanks a lot Ardour developers! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :trophy: :hugs: :crazy_face: You people have improved Ardour a crap load in little time, and on the subject of time: I have always struggled with perfect timing, as it’s just not natural to us humans, and now I can humanize the timing, and with it the emotional effects fleeting timing brings to music! From Bach to Zappa, many have come up with ways to add it to sheet music. Seems the Italians who coined so many of the music terminology and refined written notation, never realized that timing is not purely mathematical. I can’t wait to use it!

The “new dedicated tool” to “Fit the tempo map to a human performance”. Where is it?

Is it what is described in the reference manual here:The Ardour Manual - Time, Tempo and Time Signature

Isn’t that what did work before? and is described for Mixbus on Youtube here:

What exactly is new?


Not yet, but it’s a good point, I will update it too. The main doc (with videos) is here: The Ardour Manual - Toolbox. You want the Grid tool.

It’s different. You don’t interact with the ruler anymore (unless you really want to), you do everything on the timeline, right above audio regions.

Ah, there it is! Thanks!

I just want to congratulate to Paul, Robin and the team. Ardour 8.0 seems pretty nice. I’ve been playing around with it since 2008 on Ubuntu Studio distro, but now it works much better, even on Windows.
And yeah, i’m one of those who just missed lollypop velocity editing :slight_smile: (lots of drum programming here).
Overall, great job!


I supported ardour for awhile and eventually had to revoke my monthly donation for personal reasons. I downloaded Ardour 6.9.0 during that time. If I upgrade to 8.0 before I can subscribe again, am I in for any restrictions/annoyances in version 8.0?

Ardour subscriptions are not like the subscriptions offered by some software companies. You are simply making a monthly payment to support our work and smooth out revenue flow. If you stop a subscription it has no impact on your ability to use the software.

However, if you have no subscription, you will be asked to pay for Ardour 8.1 (released a few minutes ago).


Thank you Paul,
That was my thinking. Simply clarifying. I will be supporting this project again ASAP! Thank you all!

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Just tried out the arrangement feature, really nice! The controls are a bit non-obvious, took me quite a while to work out how to copy a section (ctrl+drag it in the sidebar). Would be much more discoverable if there were some buttons in the context menu when you right click one of the section markers (eg. Open in sidebar, copy section, duplicate section etc)