Ardour 8.0 crash from import preview of .wav files

Why does Ardour 8.1.0 Intel 64-bit on Windows 11 always crash after a few seconds of previewing any .wav file in the import dialog? I don’t think my computer is a bottleneck running at 4.9Ghz with 32GB of RAM. Ardour is set to 48kHz and 128 samples using WASAPI and my USB codec, a Behringer UCA202.

Does it crash if you switch to ASIO and maybe something like 1024 samples?
It could be a WASAPI bug.

Yes, it still crashes with ASIO and 1024 samples but you inspired me to try it in a new, empty session and i found it works fine even at the old WASAPI/128 sample setting. Maybe it is like something i saw here from 2016 where it was a problem with a “calf” plugin, which i was not using in my session. I will just wait and see if it shows up again in a new session to identify what precipitates the problem. Thank you Peder.

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