Ardour 6.9.0 Build failed

I recently installed Ardour pre-7 and it build and ran just fine (for an unstable release), but when I uninstalled it and tried to build the 6.9.0 version, it gave me this error after typing “./waf -v”:

Build failed
 -> task in 'libardour' failed with exit status 1: 
	{task 140486614716416: cxx ->}
['/usr/bin/g++', '-I/home/mapacha/Descargas/Ardour-6.9.0', '-DHAVE_RF64_RIFF', '-DWAF_BUILD', '-g', '-fshow-column', '-DARCH_X86', '-mmmx', '-msse', '-mfpmath=sse', '-DUSE_XMMINTRIN', '-DBUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS', '-DLXVST_64BIT', '-Wall', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Wcast-qual', '-Wcast-align', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED', '-D_ISOC9X_SOURCE', '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', '-DPROGRAM_NAME="Ardour"', '-DPROGRAM_VERSION="6"', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-Wno-unused-local-typedefs', '-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS', '-D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS', '-DCANVAS_COMPATIBILITY', '-DCANVAS_DEBUG', '-DBOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY', '-fPIC', '-fPIC', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-F/System/Library/Frameworks', '-F/Library/Frameworks', '-Ilibs/ardour', '-I../libs/ardour', '-Ilibs/vst3', '-I../libs/vst3', '-Ilibs/surfaces/control_protocol', '-I../libs/surfaces/control_protocol', '-Ilibs', '-I../libs', '-Ilibs/midi++2', '-I../libs/midi++2', '-Ilibs/evoral', '-I../libs/evoral', '-Ilibs/audiographer', '-I../libs/audiographer', '-Ilibs/audiographer/src', '-I../libs/audiographer/src', '-Ilibs/ptformat', '-I../libs/ptformat', '-Ilibs/pbd', '-I../libs/pbd', '-Ilibs/evoral/libsmf', '-I../libs/evoral/libsmf', '-Ilibs/temporal', '-I../libs/temporal', '-Ilibs/lua', '-I../libs/lua', '-Ilibs/zita-resampler', '-I../libs/zita-resampler', '-Ilibs/zita-convolver', '-I../libs/zita-convolver', '-Ilibs/libltc/ltc', '-I../libs/libltc/ltc', '-Ilibs/fluidsynth/fluidsynth', '-I../libs/fluidsynth/fluidsynth', '-I/usr/include/glibmm-2.4', '-I/usr/lib/glibmm-2.4/include', '-I/usr/include/glib-2.0', '-I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include', '-I/usr/include/sysprof-4', '-I/usr/include/sigc++-2.0', '-I/usr/lib/sigc++-2.0/include', '-I/usr/include/libxml2', '-I/usr/include/opus', '-I/usr/include/raptor2', '-I/usr/include/giomm-2.4', '-I/usr/lib/giomm-2.4/include', '-I/usr/include/libmount', '-I/usr/include/blkid', '-I/usr/include/taglib', '-I/usr/include/soundtouch', '-I/usr/include/lilv-0', '-I/usr/include/serd-0', '-I/usr/include/sord-0', '-I/usr/include/sratom-0', '-I/usr/include/suil-0', '-I/home/mapacha/Descargas/Ardour-6.9.0/build', '-DINTERNAL_SHARED_LIBS=1', '-DHAVE_ALSA=1', '-DHAVE_PULSEAUDIO=1', '-DHAVE_GLIB=1', '-DHAVE_GLIB_2_68=1', '-DHAVE_GTHREAD=1', '-DHAVE_GLIBMM=1', '-DHAVE_SNDFILE=1', '-DHAVE_GIOMM=1', '-DHAVE_CURL=1', '-DHAVE_ARCHIVE=1', '-DHAVE_LO=1', '-DHAVE_TAGLIB=1', '-DHAVE_VAMPSDK=1', '-DHAVE_VAMPHOSTSDK=1', '-DHAVE_RUBBERBAND=1', '-DEXPORT_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN=0', '-DPHONE_HOME=1', '-DENABLE_NLS=1', '-DLXVST_SUPPORT=1', '-DVST3_SUPPORT=1', '-DHAVE_JACK=1', '-DFPU_AVX_FMA_SUPPORT=1', '-DCONFIG_ARCH="x86_64"', '-DHAVE_TOOLS_SANITY_CHECK=1', '-DHAVE_TOOLS_GCCABICHECK=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_CLEARLOOKS_NEWER=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_FLUIDSYNTH=1', '-DHAVE_UDEV=1', '-DHAVE_HIDAPI=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_HIDAPI=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_LIBLTC=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_LUA=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PTFORMAT=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_QM_DSP=1', '-DHAVE_FFTW3F=1', '-DHAVE_AUBIO=1', '-DHAVE_AUBIO4=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_VAMP_PLUGINS=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_VAMP_PYIN=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_ZITA_RESAMPLER=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_ZITA_CONVOLVER=1', '-DHAVE_XML=1', '-DHAVE_SIGCPP=1', '-DHAVE_EXECINFO=1', '-DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN=1', '-DHAVE_GETMNTENT=1', '-DHAVE_LOCALTIME_R=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PBD=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_MIDIPP2=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_EVORAL=1', '-DHAVE_USB=1', '-DHAVE_WEBSOCKETS=1', '-DHAVE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL=1', '-DHAVE_FADERPORT=1', '-DHAVE_FADERPORT8=1', '-DHAVE_CC121=1', '-DHAVE_GENERIC_MIDI=1', '-DHAVE_MACKIE=1', '-DHAVE_US2400=1', '-DHAVE_LAUNCH_CONTROL_XL=1', '-DHAVE_PANGOMM=1', '-DHAVE_CAIROMM=1', '-DHAVE_PUSH2=1', '-DHAVE_CONTOURDESIGN=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_SURFACES=1', '-DHAVE_2IN2OUT=1', '-DHAVE_1IN2OUT=1', '-DHAVE_VBAP=1', '-DHAVE_STEREOBALANCE=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PANNERS=1', '-DHAVE_DUMMY=1', '-DHAVE_JACK_METADATA=1', '-DHAVE_JACK_PORT_RENAME=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_BACKENDS=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_TEMPORAL=1', '-DHAVE_LRDF=1', '-DHAVE_SAMPLERATE=1', '-DHAVE_LV2=1', '-DHAVE_LV2_1_10_0=1', '-DHAVE_LV2_1_17_2=1', '-DHAVE_SERD=1', '-DHAVE_SORD=1', '-DHAVE_SRATOM=1', '-DHAVE_LILV=1', '-DHAVE_SUIL=1', '-DLV2_SUPPORT=1', '-DLV2_EXTENDED=1', '-DHAVE_SOUNDTOUCH=1', '-DHAVE_OGG=1', '-DHAVE_FLAC=1', '-DHAVE_FFTW35F=1', '-DUSE_RUBBERBAND=1', '-DCURRENT_SESSION_FILE_VERSION=6000', '-DHAVE_SYS_VFS_H=1', '-DHAVE_SYS_STATVFS_H=1', '-DHAVE_UNISTD=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_SCOPED_PTR_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_PTR_LIST_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_ARDOUR=1', '-DHAVE_GTKMM=1', '-DHAVE_GTK=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_GTKMM2EXT=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_FORMAT_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_AUDIOGRAPHER=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_CANVAS=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_WIDGETS=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_WAVEVIEW=1', '-DHAVE_LV2_1_0_0=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PLUGINS_REASONABLESYNTH_LV2=1', '-DHAVE_CAIRO=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PLUGINS_A_COMP_LV2=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PLUGINS_A_EXP_LV2=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PLUGINS_A_DELAY_LV2=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PLUGINS_A_EQ_LV2=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PLUGINS_A_REVERB_LV2=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PLUGINS_A_FLUIDSYNTH_LV2=1', '-DHAVE_X11=1', '-DHAVE_PANGOFT2=1', '-DHAVE_FONTCONFIG=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_SHARED_PTR_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_WEAK_PTR_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_GTK2_ARDOUR=1', '-DHAVE_SHARE_EXPORT=1', '-DHAVE_SHARE_MIDI_MAPS=1', '-DHAVE_SHARE_MCP=1', '-DHAVE_SHARE_OSC=1', '-DHAVE_SHARE_PATCHFILES=1', '-DHAVE_SHARE_PLUGIN_METADATA=1', '-DHAVE_SHARE_SCRIPTS=1', '-DHAVE_SHARE_WEB_SURFACES=1', '-DHAVE_HEADLESS=1', '-DHAVE_READLINE=1', '-DHAVE_LUASESSION=1', '-DHAVE_SESSION_UTILS=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_FST=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_VFORK=1', '-DHAVE_DBUS=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_ARDOURALSAUTIL=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_AUSCAN=1', '-DLIBARDOUR_DLL_EXPORTS=1', '-DPACKAGE="ardour6"', '-DDATA_DIR="/usr/local/share/ardour6"', '-DCONFIG_DIR="/usr/local/etc"', '-DLOCALEDIR="/usr/local/share/ardour6/locale"', '-DLIBARDOUR="ardour6"', '-DLXVST_SUPPORT', '-DVST3_SUPPORT', '-DFPU_AVX_FMA_SUPPORT', '../libs/ardour/', '-c', '-o/home/mapacha/Descargas/Ardour-6.9.0/build/libs/ardour/']

any idea on why is this happening and how to solve it? I’m using arch btw, and “./waf configure” ran just fine before this.

What is the actual error that gcc prints?

How can I check that? the gnome terminal doesn’t print any specific error asides from what I included in the post, but it does print some python exceptions if I run “/.waf -vvv”:

  File '/home/user/Downloads/Ardour-6.9.0/./waf', line 168, in <module>
	Scripting.waf_entry_point(cwd, VERSION, wafdir)
  File '/home/user/Downloads/Ardour-6.9.0/.waf3-2.0.19-1216edef773cb93a573c0abd4d9bece5/waflib/', line 131, in waf_entry_point

Just ./waf does suffice. Since the command g++ -I... fails there must be output from the compiler to stderr in the Terminal.

There isn’t seem to be no error output, just a bunch of compiling notes and messages about deprecated stuff starting for example with “BOOST_PRAGMA_MESSAGE” and "GTypeDebugFlags ", but it doesn’t seem important since even successfully compiled files got those.

Compile with waf -j1 The error is in the output, you’re just missing it.

I see no error highlighted but I got all this when it tries to compile just

[ 178/1159] Compiling libs/ardour/
In file included from /usr/include/boost/bind.hpp:30,
                 from ../libs/pbd/pbd/signals.h:37,
                 from ../libs/pbd/pbd/transmitter.h:25,
                 from ../libs/pbd/pbd/error.h:22,
                 from ../libs/ardour/
/usr/include/boost/bind.hpp:36:1: note: ‘#pragma message: The practice of declaring the Bind placeholders (_1, _2, ...) in the global namespace is deprecated. Please use <boost/bind/bind.hpp> + using namespace boost::placeholders, or define BOOST_BIND_GLOBAL_PLACEHOLDERS to retain the current behavior.’
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gthread.h:32,
                 from /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gasyncqueue.h:32,
                 from /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib.h:32,
                 from /usr/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/refptr.h:21,
                 from /usr/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/datetime.h:24,
                 from ../libs/ardour/
../libs/pbd/pbd/stateful.h: In member function ‘bool PBD::Stateful::property_changes_suspended() const’:
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gatomic.h:96:20: warning: cast from type ‘const gint*’ {aka ‘const int*’} to type ‘gint*’ {aka ‘int*’} casts away qualifiers [-Wcast-qual]
   96 |     __atomic_load ((gint *)(atomic), &gaig_temp, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);          \
      |                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/pbd/pbd/stateful.h:108:58: note: in expansion of macro ‘g_atomic_int_get’
  108 |         bool property_changes_suspended() const { return g_atomic_int_get (&_stateful_frozen) > 0; }
      |                                                          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/ardour/ardour/automation_list.h: In member function ‘virtual bool ARDOUR::AutomationList::touching() const’:
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gatomic.h:96:20: warning: cast from type ‘const gint*’ {aka ‘const int*’} to type ‘gint*’ {aka ‘int*’} casts away qualifiers [-Wcast-qual]
   96 |     __atomic_load ((gint *)(atomic), &gaig_temp, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);          \
      |                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/ardour/ardour/automation_list.h:112:41: note: in expansion of macro ‘g_atomic_int_get’
  112 |         bool touching () const { return g_atomic_int_get (&_touching) != 0; }
      |                                         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/ardour/ardour/audioengine.h: In member function ‘bool ARDOUR::AudioEngine::is_reset_requested() const’:
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gatomic.h:96:20: warning: cast from type ‘const gint*’ {aka ‘const int*’} to type ‘gint*’ {aka ‘int*’} casts away qualifiers [-Wcast-qual]
   96 |     __atomic_load ((gint *)(atomic), &gaig_temp, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);          \
      |                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/ardour/ardour/audioengine.h:121:60: note: in expansion of macro ‘g_atomic_int_get’
  121 |         bool           is_reset_requested() const { return g_atomic_int_get (&_hw_reset_request_count); }
      |                                                            ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/ardour/ardour/source.h: In member function ‘int ARDOUR::Source::use_count() const’:
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gatomic.h:96:20: warning: cast from type ‘const gint*’ {aka ‘const int*’} to type ‘gint*’ {aka ‘int*’} casts away qualifiers [-Wcast-qual]
   96 |     __atomic_load ((gint *)(atomic), &gaig_temp, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);          \
      |                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/ardour/ardour/source.h:134:41: note: in expansion of macro ‘g_atomic_int_get’
  134 |         int  use_count() const { return g_atomic_int_get (&_use_count); }
      |                                         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/ardour/ardour/midi_channel_filter.h: In member function ‘void ARDOUR::MidiChannelFilter::get_mode_and_mask(ARDOUR::ChannelMode*, uint16_t*) const’:
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gatomic.h:96:20: warning: cast from type ‘const uint32_t*’ {aka ‘const unsigned int*’} to type ‘gint*’ {aka ‘int*’} casts away qualifiers [-Wcast-qual]
   96 |     __atomic_load ((gint *)(atomic), &gaig_temp, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);          \
      |                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/ardour/ardour/midi_channel_filter.h:76:37: note: in expansion of macro ‘g_atomic_int_get’
   76 |                 const uint32_t mm = g_atomic_int_get (&_mode_mask);
      |                                     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../libs/ardour/ardour/midi_channel_filter.h: In member function ‘ARDOUR::ChannelMode ARDOUR::MidiChannelFilter::get_channel_mode() const’:
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gatomic.h:96:20: warning: cast from type ‘const uint32_t*’ {aka ‘const unsigned int*’} to type ‘gint*’ {aka ‘int*’} casts away qualifiers [-Wcast-qual]
   96 |     __atomic_load ((gint *)(atomic), &gaig_temp, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);          \
      |                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

and it just goes on like this for a while until it leaves the directory

I had that error after a gcc update, and had to add --cxx11 to my configuration.
This is my configuration that is working:
./waf configure --libjack=weak --with-backends=jack,alsa,dummy --cxx11 --strict

1 Like

Thanks! I tried that and didn’t work, but I figured that if gcc was the problem I could try using clang++, so I went with this configuration:

./waf configure --libjack=weak --with-backends=jack,alsa,dummy --cxx11 --strict --check-cxx-compiler=clang++

and finally I got to pinpoint the error:

In file included from ../libs/ardour/
In file included from ../libs/ardour/ardour/amp.h:30:
In file included from ../libs/ardour/ardour/automation_control.h:39:
In file included from ../libs/ardour/ardour/parameter_descriptor.h:25:
In file included from ../libs/ardour/ardour/variant.h:30:
../libs/pbd/pbd/compose.h:122:6: error: call to function 'operator<<' that is neither visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup
                os << obj;

Any idea how could I solve this?

Same issue as torber_night

Still trying to understand whats wrong with the build also… still trying to figure all this out, I find the header include calls and loaded all the devel apps, reminds me of the unix and c and c++ days years back, libardour, ardour libraries, I have to find this function, not understand gcc libraries yet
I want to compile in fedora with the websockets, the option wasn’t included somehow in the Fedora build, not showing up in Fedora 36 and Fedora 37 pre, also issue with the menus not showing up but still functional if you place the mouse over menus will drop, no visible fonts for menus items.
Results on build;

Checking for header cwiid.h : not found
You are missing the cwiid headers needed to compile wiimote support
that’s showing up when using
./waf configure --libjack=weak --with-backends=jack,alsa,dummy --cxx11 --strict --check-cxx-compiler=clang++
./waf configure --libjack=weak --with-backends=jack,alsa,dummy --cxx11 --strict
./waf configure
same issue here.

Wii remote development interesting…
Then …

[vic@Fedora36500SSD Ardour-6.9.0]$ ./waf -j1 -v

Build failed
→ task in ‘libardour’ failed with exit status 1:
{task 140715500581408: cxx →}
…/libs/evoral/evoral/Parameter.h:93:46: note: no known conversion for argument 2 from ‘const ARDOUR::PresentationInfo’ to ‘const Evoral::Parameter&’
93 | std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &str, Evoral::Parameter const &);

thanks VM



ERROR 1 line 331

In file included from ../libs/ardour/ardour/variant.h:30,
                 from ../libs/ardour/ardour/parameter_descriptor.h:25,
                 from ../libs/ardour/ardour/automation_control.h:39,
                 from ../libs/ardour/ardour/amp.h:30,
                 from ../libs/ardour/
../libs/pbd/pbd/compose.h: In instantiation of ‘StringPrivate::Composition& StringPrivate::Composition::arg(const T&) [with T = ARDOUR::PresentationInfo]’:
../libs/pbd/pbd/compose.h:277:31:   required from ‘std::string string_compose(const std::string&, const T1&, const T2&, const T3&, const T4&) [with T1 = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>; T2 = unsigned int; T3 = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>; T4 = ARDOUR::PresentationInfo; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]’
../libs/ardour/   required from here
../libs/pbd/pbd/compose.h:122:20: error: no match for ‘operator<<’ (operand types are ‘std::ostringstream’ {aka ‘std::__cxx11::basic_ostringstream<char>’} and ‘const ARDOUR::PresentationInfo’)
  122 |                 os << obj;
      |                 ~~~^~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/c++/12/istream:39,
                 from /usr/include/c++/12/sstream:38,
                 from ../libs/ardour/

ERROR 2 line 470

In file included from /usr/include/c++/12/bits/ios_base.h:46,
                 from /usr/include/c++/12/ios:42,
                 from /usr/include/c++/12/istream:38:
/usr/include/c++/12/system_error:279:5: note: candidate: ‘template<class _CharT, class _Traits> std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&, const error_code&)’
  279 |     operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Tr
  aits>& __os, const error_code& __e)
      |     ^~~~~~~~
/usr/include/c++/12/system_error:279:5: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
../libs/pbd/pbd/compose.h:122:20: note:   cannot convert ‘obj’ (type ‘const ARDOUR::PresentationInfo’) to type ‘const std::error_code&’

ERROR 3 Line 552

/usr/include/c++/12/ostream:754:5: error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct std::enable_if<false, void>’
In file included from /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/signal_base.h:22,
                 from /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/signal.h:8,
                 from /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/sigc++.h:123,
                 from /usr/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/threads.h:32,
                 from ../libs/ardour/
../libs/pbd/pbd/compose.h: In instantiation of ‘StringPrivate::Composition&

I looked for the word error and found it in 3 places in the terminal output as per “./waf -j1” compile… results in …

waf: Leaving directory `/home/vic/Downloads/Ardour-6.9.0FromArdourSRC/build’
Build failed
→ task in ‘libardour’ failed with exit status 1 (run with -v to display more information)
[vic@Fedora36500SSD Ardour-6.9.0FromArdourSRC]$

  1. gcc (GCC) 12.1.1 20220507 (Red Hat 12.1.1-1)
  2. python3-devel - Libraries and header files needed for Python development 3.10.6
    Boost-Python3 1.76
  3. Package git-2.37.1-1.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.

I am not understanding how to proceed as of yet, 6 hours in found page on how to compile and what libs are needed, I missed something… thanks for reading VM

Build Dependencies

The Ardour binaries were created with the following stack:

The Ardour source-code itself is available via git:// and can also be found on Github.

Those errors were are caused by a modern gcc. A fix is already in upstream git:

I just checked compilation on my up to date F36 system, using this configure command:

./waf configure --libjack=weak --with-backends=jack,alsa,dummy --cxx11 --strict --optimize

Compilation just finished without error. That was starting from the ardour-6.9.0.tar.bz2 file I downloaded several months ago (sometime not long after 6.9.0 was released, and the git head became pre-7). So that file would not have any changes from upstream that Robin mentioned for “modern” gcc.

Using this toolchain:

$ rpm -q gcc

Does not seem to be available in Fedora repositories. I believe this is the project you would need to download and use:
cwiid at github

The wiimote support stuff is uninteresting, I would forget about it entirely. Even if it compiles, it likely does not work correctly at this point.

Thank you Chris,
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/vic/Downloads/Ardour-6.9.0FromArdourSRC/build’
Build failed
→ task in ‘libardour’ failed with exit status 1 (run with -v to display more information)
[vic@Fedora36500SSD Ardour-6.9.0FromArdourSRC]$ rpm -q gcc

I noticed gcc -12.0.1 was there, … changed to 12.1.1-1
Thank you Robin
./waf configure --libjack=weak --with-backends=jack,alsa,dummy --cxx11 --strict --optimize
Thanks Chris, got passed the initial issue yay!
[1142/1157] Linking build/libs/fst/ardour-vst-scanner
[1143/1157] Linking build/libs/fst/ardour-vst3-scanner
[1144/1157] Symlinking build/libs/ptformat/
[1145/1157] Symlinking build/libs/vamp-plugins/
[1146/1157] Symlinking build/libs/vamp-pyin/
[1147/1157] Symlinking build/libs/pbd/
[1148/1157] Symlinking build/libs/midi++2/
[1149/1157] Symlinking build/libs/evoral/
[1150/1157] Symlinking build/libs/temporal/
[1151/1157] Symlinking build/libs/ardour/
[1152/1157] Symlinking build/libs/gtkmm2ext/
[1153/1157] Symlinking build/libs/audiographer/
[1154/1157] Symlinking build/libs/canvas/
[1155/1157] Symlinking build/libs/widgets/
[1156/1157] Symlinking build/libs/waveview/
[1157/1157] Symlinking build/libs/ardouralsautil/
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/vic/Downloads/Ardour-6.9.0FromArdourSRC/build’
‘build’ finished successfully (17m17.790s)
[vic@Fedora36500SSD Ardour-6.9.0FromArdourSRC]$

I was able to compile and run with the libwebsockets 4.3.1 fully functional in Fedora 36, I just tested with internet and android phone using my internal machine address and port 3818 yay!
Thanks to everyone…

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