Ardour 6.5 and 6.9 - GUI very laggy

Past year I did not have troubles with ardour 6.5.0 but now GUI is very laggy. Doesn’t respond properly to click or drags. Even in first window of session configuration.

I tried installing Ardour 6.9.0 and same issues.

Is there a way for do a clean installation or any solution?

I’m using Windows 10.

EDIT: OK I was using Macromedia Flash 8 in another window, I closed that program and now Ardour works, I believe or so. WTF

Macromedia Flash 8 was in released in 2005 for Windows 2000 and XP, and Adobe discontinued support for it in 2008. Windows 7 was released in 2009, so it is not too surprising that it is causing issues, given it wasn’t designed to run on modern versions of Windows. Out of curiosity, what are you using it for in 2022?

Not only that, all versions of Macromedia Flash are no longer supported, and given the history of many security exploits in Flash over the years, it is recommended to no longer use Flash at all.

I was testing some drawing features.

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