American Girl (Tom Petty & Heartbreakers) cover

A cover version of American Girl of our band Orange Trio music.

Everything is recorded with two ribbon mics (Aea R 84 and a Coles 4038). Audio interface Neve 88 M.
Sound takes with Ardour, edit and part of the mix with Ardour, other part of the mix mix with Luna.

Here is the video:
American Girl

Hope you’ll like it ! Share and like, comment and subscribe this will help us !
And many thanks to the Ardour team


Very nice! Well arranged, played and recorded. I’d probably go for a bit more definition of the drums sound which is a little bit “hazy” IMHO, but it’s really a minor thinng… Bass tone rocks! :wink:

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Thank you for the comment !
Yes, your probably right for the sound of the drums. We only used two mics, a sort of Glyn Johns method …with less talent :smiley:
We will try another setup for future recordings.

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