After I record Im getting no sound in playback, help

Im just starting and everything is working great except, right after I record my vocals I go to playback and I have no sound, im sure its something simple I just cant seem to figure it out

Screenshot of Window>Audio/Midi Setup ?

And where are you expecting to hear sound out of (ie. Speakers connected to X device, Headphones connected to Y device, etc.)?


i am using my speakers and therere working perfect except when i try to playback the recording i just made

im using scarlette 2i2

Yes but that doesn’t really answer my question as to where they are plugged into. Also you provided screenshots of the wrong thing, I needed a screenshot of (Winthin Ardour) Window > Audio/Midi Setup


Another suggestion woul be to make sure the DISK button is higlighted on the mixer strip for the vocals. This plays back what what recorded onto disk.