I’m using ardour 8.10, official install, and i have a few issues with the lv2 Guis.
I cannot find any relevant info in the logs or in the terminal, ACE plugins are showing like this :
Does anyone has a similar issue or a solution ?
Thank you !
I’m using ardour 8.10, official install, and i have a few issues with the lv2 Guis.
I cannot find any relevant info in the logs or in the terminal, ACE plugins are showing like this :
Does anyone has a similar issue or a solution ?
Thank you !
If I’m not mistaken during the install process you are asked about the Harrison Plugin Demos…? If you say no I believe you neither get the demos nor the Harrison UI’s for the LV2 Plugins but it’s possible I’m mistaken about that. Otherwise the official Ardour bundle should contain all of the supporting libraries for any LV2 Plugins on your system, do other LV2’s installed show their full UI’s?
Hi, thanks for your reply!
I actually said no to the Harrison Plugins Demo.
Some lv2 plugins work perfectly, like the ZL equalizer or the drowaudio plugins, most of the lv2 do not even load, they’re OK in the plugin manager but show an error message when i want to use one of them in the mixer.
the zam plugins only work in their vst2 version, lv2 or vst3 are not loading, but ido not know if they’re related.
Do you think I should reinstall Ardour with the Harrisson Demo ?
I think the ACE plugins are perfectly usable without the custom UIs.
Note that also versions of Ardour packaged for Linux distros will probably have those not available, due to licensing.
As for other LV2 plugin custom UIs not working, you’d have to give the specific error messages you are seeing to give more help. And information on where you got those plugins from and how and where you installed them would also help.
The Calf plugins, and all others that have a GTK2-based UI, won’t work by default due to Ardour 8.7+ deprecating the use of native GTK2.
If adding the plugins to the track works you can right click on them and select “Edit with generic controls” if you want to use them anyway.
In that case you will also not get the Harrison provided ACE Plugin GUIs.
If you just need those, you could just copy the relevant parts from /opt/Ardour-8.10.0/lib/LV2/Harrison.lv2/
to $HOME/.lv2/
. notably a-Comp*
, a-EQ*
Hi, not to be a Captain Corrector but to clear up potential future confusion it was Ardour 8.4 where the GTK switch impacted the Calf UI’s. And for those who may not know that functionality can be retained with this if wanted:
Many thanks to all of you !
I’ll check that ASAP, and big up to @GMaq because i’d love to use the eq10q and the calf plugins that i liked so much many years ago.
At this point, I would suggest eq10q and calf are on temporary life support whilst friends and family prepare for their passing.
I would recommend against using them in any new projects
It’s time to say goodbye!
I don’t disagree, but putting on my Devils Advocate hat I am down to a single Calf Plugin personally when needed but this UI fix will ostensibly work as long as the User is using X11 which depending on the Distribution and DE/WM in use could be for quite a while yet.
If we can learn anything from PipeWire’s example Fedora had it in a major release long before it was ready for prime time and even Gnome and KDE are still sorting out Wayland stuff and ‘mid-efficiency’ DE’s like XFCE4 and LXQT have released initial support that won’t really hold up in daily driver use yet. It will take a sustained effort and most likely a few release cycles before Wayland support is ubiquitous across all popular Desktop Environments.
So yes, Calf have well established DSP problems and ‘toolkit’ Plugins are ill-advised and definitely have the meter running on how long they will be viable but for new people entering the Platform those are often the easiest Plugins to get especially in mainstream Distros. I think if they get people started into using and enjoying Ardour they may still serve a purpose as a bridge to the ‘good stuff’ for a while yet.
I’m not familiar with any mainstream distro where the equivalent of apt install lsp-plugins
is significantly more difficult than the equivalents for calf or eq10q. And I would hesitate suggesting a new user should use these tools instead of LSP or the Ace, and x42 tools, etc…
I would say that the only reason a new user should seek out these plugins in the first place is because there are some old resources that mention them. But there’s not that many of those.
And, given the issues with them, it would not surprise me if mainstream distros stopped packaging them in the near future.
I tried to install the lv2-bridge,did not succeed, and then i saw your message, i’m convinced now that i have to work with newer plugins now !
ACE plugins gui are back and that was my first request,so i’m good to go.
let’s mix !