About Qsound effect?

Hello you all,
I remember more than 20 years ago playing with a “Qsound” function on soundblaster card … I searched for this type of effect to use with ardour but didn’t found plugins purposing it, anybody knows about how to apply “Qsound” effect ?

Thank you for your comments, wish you all great life. :slight_smile:

If you are using mono files and want to make them more dimensional, you can take that mono file, duplicated it, add a very small delay adjusted to what sounds good(usually under 20millisecondsand above 3 or 5 milliseconds), and pan each channel where you think they sound best.

Reading about Haas effect will be useful.

A google search for spacial plug ins may yield results.

Hopefully this will help you get the sound you want to achieve.

EDIT : Some helpful info on HRTF here:

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We considered to add some delay based panning a while ago, but it just leads to artifacts (e.g. comb filters. see The Ardour Manual - Stereo Panner).

Qsound adds delay and slight filtering between L-R channels to simulate sound direction, mostly useful for FX not music, yet it is just a gimmick compared to 3D panning and HRTF which are available these days.


Thank you very much Schmitty2005 for your detailed answer and links, I will try following your recommendations. :hugs: :+1:

Hi Robin, glad to read you again here ! :hugs:
Thank you for your technical answer, I just want to experiment this effect on voice during a short time in a song. (Remember “Learning to fly” by Pink Floyd ?.. short moment with Qsound, but very efficient. :smile: :clap:)

Wish you great life. :+1: :slight_smile:

@seal20 I have written Faust DSP code that needs a stereo track in Ardour, takes a mono file, delays, filters, and allows panning of the Original and panning of the processed signal. If a stereo audio file is used, it will combine the left and right, creating a mono track that gets processed back into a stereo track.

There is a LV2 for Linux 64-bit and a VST for Win10 available for download. The monoSpatializer.dsp can be viewed and copied / pasted over at https://faustide.grame.fr/ . Clicking the truck icon, you can export to various formats. LV2 and VST formats are available if you want to get them that way.

I tested the LV2 on Linux Ardour and it created a similar sound, but I don’t know if it will suit your needs. I don’t program for a living so it may not be the best DSP code, but did work and gave me what I thought was a similar effect.

It is available here:

If you have time to explain, Are the white and red line in the plugin analysis window OK , a sign of bad DSP programming in my Faust code, or normal phase issues cause by such a small delay ? This plugin did seem to function as I designed it, but I did not expect the analysis window to look like that. I don’t do this for a living, just a hobby, and just decided to hack away on Faust and see what it could do.

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Thank you very much Schmitty2005, I will try your code during those next days and will comment when tested. :+1: :hugs:

You’re welcome. This changed my manual process to be much simpler, although I don’t do it often.
I did update it to use milliseconds instead of samples. I do have to do a few other tweaks to it, like maybe independent gain knobs for the wet /dry and also add a overall slight gain reduction.

Then maybe build a GUI with @brummer 's :

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Thank you very much, I will check this in few days.
Congratulations for the developpment !.. :clap: :hugs: :+1:

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