About Lua scripts use

Can somebody please confirm that with the “script buttons” up right in Ardour6, one can do in one clic those kind of things:
"FOR THE SELECTIONNED TRACK(s): add PF a-comp + PF a-eq + AFsend to the bus named “RVB”+ route the ouput of the track to ONLY the bus named “GEN”

Or deed I completely misunderstood the tool?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes you can script these kind of batch operations.
And you can also assign the script to a button.

Thanks Robin, when I will re-start Ardour to make music with it I will try to do that, so most of time will go to music!

For a head-start, see

It doesn’t re-connect outputs, but that can be added, have a look at e.g. fan_out_instrument.lua script.

Many thanks, this will ease my workflow!

Thanks again Robin,

I have only changed the bus name in it and its name prefixed with “00-” to have it first in the list, and it works nice for all future sessions when saved in /opt/ardour/share/scripts/

My next step may be to really understand this language… Is it C++?

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