A3.5.143 Wont start on OSX 10.6.3

I’ve been using a HP laptop for testing a 10.6.3 OSX install at home, succeeded on Mixbus and Protools install, however this version of Ardour just wont start.

I have this report from osx

This is the first time i try to install Ardour on OSX and im quite used to Ubuntu, so i just dragged Ardour and Jadeo to Apps, is that all i was supposed to do?

The demo version is 64 bit 10.7 or later. It is not expected to run on 10.6. When I finally release 3.x for OS X I will provide versions for 10.4 and later, and 32 bit versions also.

I’m looking forward to that! (I have OS X 10.6.8 and have to stay with it for now so I can run my current version of Pro Tools – I’m hoping to get away from PT someday)