A guy makes metal music with Ardour and Linux

Nice to watch


Thanks for the Link. Very interesting video.

Very good and informative video, thanks.

Calf - plugins are deprecated and soon canā€™t be used anymore.

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Instead of fader automation I tend to use the ACE amplifier plugin and have an automation lane on itā€™s gain instead. This way the fader remains available for ā€œstaticā€ volume adjustmentsā€¦


I do the same for single track, fader with vca if I have to move multiple track at the same time.

Great video. Well worth posting. The man is to the point and knowledgeable. German intelligence is really something special. I like when they share their knowledge in English, being a challenged monologuist. Sehr gut.

German? Mika is from Finland, at least thatā€™s what his profile page saysā€¦

The video is not made by me. I shared it because I thought it was useful information here. The author of the video is Finnish, yes. And Iā€™m also Finnish myself. Although we donā€™t know each other and we probably live on completely different sides of the country. Finland is a long country. Finlandā€™s eastern border is about 1300 km long. Behind the western border is the famous country of music, Sweden.

I havenā€™t made YouTube videos on the subject yet, because Iā€™m focused on running my studio. But I have definitely had a YouTube channel in my thoughts.

Finnish is not even Germanic. I though he said ā€˜jaā€™ several times. I got the German vibe. I think German engineering is the best. Lotsa V2 rocket engineers to US (operation paperclip) and USSR for cold war. I like when smart Finnish people share their intelligence in English. I know we donā€™t get practice in the States, but fluency in a second language is a mark of intelligence. I like the format of the presentation. No what Iā€™m used to seeing.

But Austrian bakery wins hands down. Sachertorte, anyone? :wink:


Sachertorte, Linzer Radln, Mozartkugeln. Oooh yeah! :yum:
Just donā€™t try to feed me with Salzburger Nockerl. For some reasons ā€¦ I donā€™t like those :rofl:

But Austrian bakery wins hands down.

Overrated. Try saxonian ā€œEierscheckeā€ then speak again!

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