I’m am trying the demo version of Ardor on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with the 6.8.0-51 kernel. I have an Intel NUC (Intel_R_ Client Systems NUC10i7FNK) with and intel i7 processor (Intel® Core™ i7-10710U CPU @ 1.10GHz × 12). I am using a UA Volt 476p audio interface. As I’m attempting to record I get a signal from 3 out of 4 audio inputs. Input 1 has no signal in Ardour. It works fine in all other contexts. Any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this issue?
Click “Window” and “Audio Connections”, click “Hardware” in the vertical tab column and “Tracks” in the horizontal row and make sure you have green dots connecting your Input 1 to a track.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the quick reply. Attached is a screen shot of my configuration. The meter for capture 1 on my interface indicates that it is sending a signal.
What Audio System Do you use (Ardour Menu > Window > Audio/MIDI Setup)?
Could it be that the soundcard’s hardware mixer is for that channel is silent or muted?
(run alsamixer
in a terminal <F6>
to select soundcard. <F4>
to show capture settings).
capture_4 isn’t connected to any track, though.
Is that intentional or do you and your computer just disagree on the numbering, and what you think of as Input 1 is actually capture_4 ?
That is just an artifact of my testing. I was moving things around to try to isolate the problem. The signal from Input 1 from my interface is not being read by Ardour.