Update to VPO Template

I took the time to load all sfz. If you want me to create a pull-request, let me know.

@robertaramar Oh sure, a pull request would be welcome. I’ve been meaning to overhaul this template for quite some time, but you know, multi-year global crisis and all…

@Michael_Willis ,
do you have an Ardour project or a set of MIDI-files that you use to check the template for proper sound?
I would appreciate such file(s). You can contact me on PM via robert.schneider (at) aramar.de

Here you go: Adapted to Ardour 6.9.0, new VPO location by robertaramar · Pull Request #9 · michaelwillis/virtual-playing-orchestra-ardour-template · GitHub

@x42 @paul I’m finally getting back to overhauling this template. I have found that when making a template that uses sfizz, I end up with a plugin state directory under the template, let’s say 232/state1 with a myfile.sfz, which is a symbolic link to ../../externals/myfile.sfz. The file under externals is another symbolic link to the actual file that I picked.

Ideally I would like to publish this template in a way that allows people to put their sfz files and samples just anywhere on their filesystem, and then provide them a reasonable way to select where the files are (without having to open up every instance of sfizz and select each file one by one). I suppose I could make an installer that prompts for the location of the Virtual Playing Orchestra, but maintaining installers for three different operating systems seems like overkill for a fairly lightweight project like this. Do either of you have any suggestions?

That should always have been the case (it’s really liblilv that creates these symlinks). That didn’t change since … ever.

When zipping up a session the intended solution is to dereference symlinks that point outside of the tree. I.e. collect all required files in the externals/ folder (the plugins/id/state/* links can still point to externals/).

I guess another option would be to ship the plugin states as presets. So the shared files would reside in ~/.lv2/

I discussed that very same matter with Robin and Paul on IRC.

I am also not a big friend of distributing stuff with symlinks, however, in this case, the links will always point to ~/opt/… because the template folder is fixed.

So as long as your VPO is at ~/opt/Virtual Playing Orchestra3, which is another symlink to my personal soundfont-folder, all should be good.

Yes, I understand it has always been like this. I remember trying to decide a way to handle this the first time I worked on this template. At that point I decided to standardize on expecting the SFZ instruments under /opt. Now Robert is suggesting that it should be preferred to find them under somebody’s home directory, which is also reasonable.

My comments about symlinks were mostly trying to determine if I correctly understand the template layout, and wondering if there is any other way around the problem. There are no standard expected locations for SFZ files and their corresponding samples, unlike something like ~/.vst3 (but even then I noticed that Ardour allows people to set up custom plug-in locations).

Maybe I should set up a single symlink under external that points to the virtual playing orchestra collection, and then document that the one symlink can be edited if needed.

At first sight, that sounds like a good idea, because only one symlink would have to be updated in order to change the VPO location.
If that works, that would be fine. I’m just afraid, you mess with the structure that libllilv sets up and expects and thus might fail.
Give it a try.
If you want me to change my PR, let me know.

I can use your PR as it is and experiment with a single symlink. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Good evening Robert
Where can i get your version of the vpo ardour template?
Also do you know if it works in Ardour7?
Many thanks


here GitHub - robertaramar/virtual-playing-orchestra-ardour-template: An Ardour project template for composing orchestral music on Linux and, yes, it does work with Ardour 7.


Thanks Robert
This is great. I am keen to learn about augmenting the rhythm section of my
compositions with orchestration!

Hi again Robert
Unfortunately I’m getting Not found for the
Do you know where I can get it?
Many thanks

Seems like Michael forgot to build a release for 2.1.0.
Easiest would probably be, get the stuff from github as a ZIP and extract the “Virtual Playing Orchestra” folder to ~/.config/ardour7/templates.
Then make sure you have the symlink in ~/opt/Virtual-Playing-Orchestra3 to whereever you extracted the VPO data from http://virtualplaying.com/

Hi Robert
I found the version 2.0.0.rc2 and extracted that to .config/ardour7/templates. Then I completed the setup as per instructions on git hub
Virtual Playing Orchestra3 is all in opt. The wav files are in the libs folder and the sfzs are in their section folders.

So far Ive found that it works partially. The instruments are not preloaded, so I loaded some manually and they play.

I dont quite understand what you mean about the symlink. I’m wondering if this is why sfizz is loading its default iunstrument? Could you explain a little more about the symlink please? Many thanks, I really appreciate your help.

The sfizz plugin for the various instruments is configured to load the soundfonts from ~/opt/Virtual-Playing-Orchestra3. That’s why your sounds are not loaded when you create a new session based on that template.
If you either unzip/copy your VPO data to this folder or create a symlink that points to your VPO data, then the soundfonts will be loaded automatically.

But you have to use the most current release, I don’t know whether 2.0.0.rc2 is already fixed to load the soundfonts from that location.

Thanks Robert
I unzipped vpo to /opt/Virtual-Playing-Orchestra3, both the wavs (in the
libs folder) and the sfzs in their respective section folders, just as
2.0.0.rc2 was the most recent template version on github as far as I can
Maybe i can load each sfizz instance with the relevant instrument and then
save that session as a new template?

Good morning
Im trying to use the VPO template in ardour 7.4. The template is version 2.0.0-RC2, which was the most recent one I could find on github. I put it in ~/.config/ardour7/templates:

I’ve reinstalled VPO as per git hub instructions. The session loads fine with no red light but a yellow one for the log.
Sfizz still isn’t loading the vpo instruments.
Heres a representative snippet from the log:
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] File changed to: /home/mel/Music/Audio/vpo3/plugins/8549/state7/DefaultInstrument.sfz
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Number of masters: 0
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Number of groups: 0
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Number of regions: 1
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Restoring the file /home/mel/Music/Audio/vpo3/plugins/8549/state7/DefaultInstrument.sfz
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Restoring the scale /home/mel/Music/Audio/vpo3/plugins/8549/state7/DefaultScale.scl
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] File changed to: /usr/lib/lv2/sfizz.lv2//Contents/Resources/DefaultInstrument.sfz
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Number of masters: 0
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Number of groups: 0
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Number of regions: 1
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter
Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter
Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter
LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc008 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc007 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc011 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc005 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc100 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc101 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc102 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc103 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc104 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc105 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc106 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc107 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc020 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc021 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc022 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc023 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc024 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc025 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc026 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc027 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc108 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc109 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc110 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc111 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc112 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc113 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc114 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc115 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc028 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc029 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc116 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc117 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc118 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc119 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc120 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc121 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc122 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc123 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc124 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc125 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc126 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc127 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc042 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc043 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc044 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc048 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc049 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc050 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc051 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc052 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc045 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc046 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc047 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc000 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc053 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc054 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc055 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc056 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc057 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc058 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc059 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc060 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc061 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc062 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc063 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc064 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc065 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc066 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc009 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc014 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc034 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc035 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc036 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc030 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc031 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc032 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc033 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc037 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc038 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc039 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc040 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc041 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc067 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc068 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc069 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc006 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc070 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc071 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc072 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc073 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc074 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc013 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc075 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc076 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc077 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc078 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc079 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc080 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc086 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc087 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc088 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc081 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc082 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc083 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc084 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc085 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc089 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc090 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc091 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc092 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc093 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc094 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc095 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc096 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc097 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc098 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc099 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc015 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc016 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc010 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc017 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc018 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc019 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc003 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc004 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc002 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc001 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [WARNING]: LV2: property http://sfztools.github.io/sfizz#cc012 has no range datatype, ignoring
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] File changed to: /home/mel/Music/Audio/vpo3/plugins/8567/state7/DefaultInstrument.sfz
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Number of masters: 0
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Number of groups: 0
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Number of regions: 1
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Restoring the file /home/mel/Music/Audio/vpo3/plugins/8567/state7/DefaultInstrument.sfz
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: [sfizz] Restoring the scale /home/mel/Music/Audio/vpo3/plugins/8567/state7/DefaultScale.scl
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590b9329f30
2023-05-23T09:07:21 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590b993b9d0
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590b9f4d610
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590ba561050
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bab74890
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bb188f40
2023-05-23T09:07:22 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:23 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bb79dd00
2023-05-23T09:07:23 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:23 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bbdb34e0
2023-05-23T09:07:23 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:23 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bc3c7060
2023-05-23T09:07:23 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:24 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bc9db240
2023-05-23T09:07:24 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:24 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bcfee7b0
2023-05-23T09:07:24 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:24 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bdc17b00
2023-05-23T09:07:25 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:25 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bd602a50
2023-05-23T09:07:25 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:25 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590be22baf0
2023-05-23T09:07:26 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:26 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590be840430
2023-05-23T09:07:27 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:27 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bee55400
2023-05-23T09:07:27 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:27 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bf46a150
2023-05-23T09:07:28 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:28 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590bfa7e890
2023-05-23T09:07:29 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:29 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c00934d0
2023-05-23T09:07:29 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:29 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c06a8e10
2023-05-23T09:07:30 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:30 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c0cbe190
2023-05-23T09:07:31 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:31 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c12d2660
2023-05-23T09:07:32 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:32 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c18e6e90
2023-05-23T09:07:33 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:33 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c1efc110
2023-05-23T09:07:34 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:34 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c25111f0
2023-05-23T09:07:35 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:35 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c2b25ec0
2023-05-23T09:07:36 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:36 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c313adb0
2023-05-23T09:07:37 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:37 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c374e980
2023-05-23T09:07:38 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:38 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590c3d65c90
2023-05-23T09:07:39 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:39 [INFO]: Loading user ui scripts file /home/mel/.config/ardour7/ui_scripts
2023-05-23T09:07:39 [INFO]: Removing MIDI patch file custom:Sfizz LV2:0x5590b8c29260
2023-05-23T09:07:41 [INFO]: LV2: update midnam for plugin ‘sfizz’
2023-05-23T09:07:41 [INFO]: Loading plugin order file /home/mel/.config/ardour7/plugin_metadata/plugin_order
2023-05-23T09:07:47 [INFO]: Loading history from /home/mel/Music/Audio/vpo3/vpo3.history
2023-05-23T09:07:47 [INFO]: vpo3: no history file “/home/mel/Music/Audio/vpo3/vpo3.history” for this session.
2023-05-23T09:09:15 [WARNING]: Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter
Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter
Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter
g_log: Input method gtk-im-context-simple should not use GTK’s translation domain gtk20

Heres screenshots of the file tree in /opt:

The file structure looks correct to me. I can’t understand why Sfizz doesn’t load the files.

Go to .config/ardour7/templates/Virtual Playing Orchestra/externals and look where the symlinks are pointing to. There you need to fix that the sfz.2 files point to a valid location.
You are working with an old version 2.0.0.RC2. You have to take the latest one, and unfortunately, there is no build for it, so you have to check it out via git.
I am not the maintiner of that project, but I did a release for you. Download here https://github.com/robertaramar/virtual-playing-orchestra-ardour-template/archive/refs/tags/2.1.0.zip