Text in Ardour

It would be nice to have a place to write text notes in a session, e. g. settings of syntizisers, amplifiers, configurations etc. so that a specific sound can be reproduced, if one forgets the facts of the recording. The idea is to have all important information at hand when you open a session maybe a year later…

Even further it would be good, if lyrics could be written to the tracks, so that the words could be displayed in a karaoke manner during recording. Although some information can be deduced form the wave form, words can better make you aware of the exact point where you are in the song, IYKWIM.

I have searched the forums and the manual (extensively), but I couldn’t find this.



I do agree. The text thing is a really good idea. If you do not need it for karaoke, so think in matters of designing song concepts, breaking a song story down into smaller parts and describing whats happening, what mood is desired, which gear is used, which settings are needed etc. Maybe one could think in a way as a kind of additional time line or markers area where you can place words or remarks.

I do this now with paper and pencil (unbelievebale but… that works !) but having it in Ardour would be great, making ardour more and more a producing and composing machine. Great idea ! And not to forget… great Ardour. With or without it.

Adding notes is allready possible in that every mixer strip has a comments button at the bottom.

@mixit: please file your lyric/word notation feature request in the bugtracker (http://tracker.ardour.org/) otherwise it will simply be forgotten.

Thank you for your replies, Paul and scg62. I will wait a while to see if anybody has anything to add, and then sum it up and file it.

I realise that this idea is a “nice-to-have” thing - and that it may take some time before it is implementet - if it ever is. It should only be added if there is a strong desire for it among the users - care should be taken not to bloat the code unnescesserily.
On the other hand, it could pull Ardour towards the center of the creative process as scg62 suggests…

Also thanks to the C.L.A.for making me aware of the comment button in the mixer window - I will be using that.



The lyrics thing would be a really neat feature. Very relevant to what I was doing to day. My little sister (14) wanted to record Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder and when we got round to doing the vocals, we had to keep switching between Ardour and Firefox so she could see the lyrics (we don’t have a printer available). So it could be useful in a lot of cases.

has the lyrics/text thing already been feature requested ? (couldn’t find something about in Mantis…)

if not I’d do that the next weekend (just didn’t want to get mixit in the way)

I’d picture it like this:

it would be nice, to have a kind of buttons you can place in the timeline (together with the location markers or maybe on a separate ruler). you can handle these buttons the same way like location markers (add, move, delete). Clicking a button (however) opens an editor window, like at the comments in the mixer stripe, where you can place text. As a “stage 2” feature: A button can have an “auto open” property, so it will open its correlated window when the playhead hovers over it. the time the window stays open is adjustable (in seconds). when the playhead hits the next button, the previous text window is closed. A stopping transport closes an auto-opened textwindow (maybe you can define that, just like the feature “Stop recording keeps arming”)

It needn’t be extra buttons, maybe the “text feature” could be a property of the location markers. (disadvantage here: you haven’t a separate ruler, maybe that’s confusing).

Well friends, additions, comments, corrections ?


FWIW, I don’t think a DAW is the place to have karaoke style lyric prompts. Session notes are a good idea - but I think you can already do that, as “the C.L.A” mentioned. If you need lyric / arrangement prompts, perhaps it would be better placed in some kind of dedicated notation software (using the jack transport API for sync in the same way that other applications can sync up to each other?). This more closely follows the general UNIX / LINUX paradigm of connecting specific tools together to accomplish the task, as opposed to making Ardour (or another application) the ‘does everything’ music program, (and maybe diverting developer attention away from maintaining the core functionality). Also, perhaps people shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that, although computers are great for making music and all, there are other ways - in the old days we used to just have written (or scrawled) lyrics on a piece of paper - or just “learn the song” :slight_smile: and that might still be a valid method today…

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thanks for your comment, mike

I wouldn’t see it for Karaoke or lyrics, too. Maybe musescore (is it Jack aware ? I’d have to find out that) is the much better possibility for the lyric and harmony documentation

the “C.L.A. method” is really good for track documentation , but … it lacks a time relation.

I’d see that hole thing in an conceptual advantage, of course I work (exclusive) with paper/pencil (see my first post in this thread). But I thougt, especially using the timeline could bring some advantages here. (For that I use the markers now, but they are limited)

Well, it’s just an idea. Additionally it depends a lot HOW you compose/arrange, and of course which significance conceptual work has in the entirety of your work. Maybe one could compare it with “using MIDI or not”. (Concerning that, I love to follow the traditional way).



Thanks for your comments, scg62 and linuxdsp.

Well, I haven’t been in a big hurry to file the idea - realising that it may take years, before developers seriously begin to contemplate whether it is a good idea and should be implementet. First, all technical issues should be considered and resolved because they are much more needed.

scg62: Your description regarding stage 2 seem to be inspired by the way comments are displayed in the waveforms found in Indabamusic and doing it this way would be great too.

What I had in mind was an option to label specific parts of the waveform, so that text is associated with a specific position in the waveform. The purpose would be to make a certain part of the waveform instantly identifiable - you don’t have to listen to it first to verify what part you are dealing with. If you copy a part with a label, the label should be copied as well to the new position. This could be handy with heavy copying/editing and increase productivity. It could also be used to write lyrics to a track.

scg62, you are very welcome fo file this text feature. Then it is up to the developers to decide whether the matter is worth persuing. I, myself, would actually prefer that they attended to the “save as” feature among other things first, but after that - if it is piece of cake to implement it - it could be considered.

linuxdxp: The lyrics feature could be kept outside Ardour (and added to e. g. Rosegarden). But that would not help when editing of tracks inside Ardour with lots of copying as explained above. Then again, if very few users want to use Ardour that way, the desire for the feature request is not strong enough to justify the draw on resources for development and maintenance. I confidently leave these reflections to Paul and his team of developers.

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I am a working musician and use Cakewalk Sonar on stage. The DAW has to perform several jobs in sync such as playing an audio track, playing midi to control the equipment, display lyrics for my typicaly blonde, forgetful female singer and a playlist so that songs can be loaded quickly with minimum effort. Sonar has all these attributes.

Being an ardent Linux fan I have searched high and low and not found any other DAW’s that can do all these tasks. I’m not alone in these requirements as I know many other musicians using Sonar on stage for the exact same reasons. I’m afraid if a lyrics view is not implemented soon in Ardour I may be forced to sack my singer and get one who is not as sexy but with a better memory for remembering lyrics. It would be such a loss.

Playlist are equally important in a DAW for us gigging musicians because most of us have our hands full holding our instrument (no jokes please), and find it quite difficult searching through time consuming file menus for the next song.

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My personal opinion is that it is not the purpose of a DAW to be used in such a way, and that it would be a much better fit for other software. That isn’t to say it oculdn’t happen, but that those purposes are very much out of range of the primary purpose of a DAW. Of course this is my personal opinion so take it with a grain of salt.


Its important to note that you could not use ProTools or Nuendo for the task you have described. This makes it reasonably clear that what a DAW “must do” is subject to some reasonable debate. In Ardour’s case, the functionality you’re describing isn’t really up very high on the priority list of any of the current developers. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, but it means that there’s not much chance that it will happen any time soon.

The Ardour users I’ve seen using it live don’t “load” songs live - they queue everything up on the timeline as a single session. and then if necessary simply jump to the next marker etc.

I like the idea to add notes (producer’s notes) but I would do it a bit differently. I think we should display the notes in the area occupied by the summary. Adding notes can be done in the timeline bar via a context menu. We add an indicator to show the presence of notes. In the summary we have a means to go backwards and forwards through the notes, the playhead will jump the location on which a note is placed.


Hi folks

I felt free to put it in Mantis. Producer’s notes, that’s the way I’d see it too:


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In my opinion the idea of being able to put more than a “marker” in the time line would be very useful. “Producer Notes” is a very good generic term. As a feature, you could simply see this as a “2nd marker” on the time line. I would use “Producer Notes” to highlight the chord progressions of the different sections in a song, for instance. I would highlight key changes/ modulations. Also, movements as the song builds up or breaks down e.g. a “drop”. These sorts of “prompts” or reminders could be invaluable if available on the timeline. Yes, I do document my music fully elsewhere in a separate document, but this would be quite useful as part of the creative process, and also when collaborating in teams where such prompts would be useful. If this is considered “a non core function” of a DAW, then maybe consider putting this functionality in a plugin.

Lastly, using the notion of a “typical DAW” as guidance when prioritising features is retrogressive in my opinion. Think about it; people use Ardour for many different things and work in different settings. For instance, for creating, mixing and mastering music in the studio. They use it for live music performances. We also have DJs sampling and doing their thing live on stage on Ardour. People use this “DAW” for doing podcasts and even for creating movies. Some people work alone, others work in teams. What about those things is “typical”? Whilst I see the logic in prioritising “core functionality”, there is always the opportunity to innovate and further distinguish Ardour as a platform that is useful beyond what we’ve typically thought it capable of. This could help Ardour break into new markets and help draw new users :smile:.

I am abusing the cue markers for that purpose. Of course, without some sort of text wrapping it gets unreadable quite fast. Also, the region name overlaps it.

I need that as well (I can’t make out a chord from a soundwave :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). This is a different purpose from the first one though, because this note/text should be fixed on the time line, and not move with the regions. At the moment I am abusing (again) the region name: I make an extra MIDI track, and I put on it a region for every chord, then I double-click on it and change its name (e.g. Cmaj7). Unfortunately if I copy the region, Ardour adds a “.1” at the end. Also, you can’t use the “/”.

Anyway, I think the possibility to add text notes to the session (at a point in time or attached to a region, or both) would be helpful.

"Would be neat if there was a “text track” is a thought I have had but it never progressed to a concrete idea and I have since settled on using midi tracks and Libre office for text project notes.

A lyrics folder gets added to all Ardour projects where non Ardour files that belong to the session lives. Libre office writer takes up a third of my screen and that is where lyrics and notes go.

I use the group facility as a text label and screen view organizer
(all boxes unticed LINK


I devote a midi track that gets chopped up into sections I need to loop (select region press ] and l ) for quick maneuvering and each cord change gets its own track and I use other tracks to make observations showing the area of concern and use the rename region function to add text to the region.

This works better then any vague notions I have had about a “text track”, Libre Office has a lot of graphic flexibility and no “text track” would be able to match it.

I am looking at Muse score for the possibility of adding staff notation and it has a lyrics capability.
My assumption is that it can slave to Ardour so that syncronised “page turns” can happen.

The Lua capability of Ardour facinates me and I am exited to see how the integration improves over time. There is already some GUI for Lua and who knows what text display functionality it may acoomodate in the future.