"Scraping" over tracks

That one should work, if you open the scripting editor (in the Window menu I think) and run the script from there do you see any error messages?

Thanks for your reply. When I hit the “run” button in the scripting editor, nothing happens at all.

I currently hold the scripts in the “~/.config/ardour7/scripts” folder. Ubuntu puts these in the “/usr/share/ardour7/scripts” folder as root. Will try this tomorrow and report back. Thanks for now.

Did you load the script in there from the menu?

Have you seen GitHub - mosynthkey/Melissa: A music player for musical instrument practice ?

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I have not, and it looks better than what I’m working on! Let me know if you can figure out how to build it on Linux, I just tried but quickly hit some issues.

DHealey, your “Play from mouse cursor” script is working. I just used the wrong shortcut keys…

I also managed to get the “play_at_X_speed” scripts to run. When calling the request_transport_speed method, the “true” part is no longer needed. So it’s now:

Session:request_transport_speed (0.5, ARDOUR.TransportRequestSource.TRS_UI)

But I’m stuck with the “add_loop_start” script. Trying to assign the nominal_sample_rate and transport_sample to the local variables both fail, with an “attempt to index a nil value” error.

LuaException: [string "ardour {..."]:21: attempt to index a nil value (global 'Session')

I checked on the Ardour lua binding class reference site, but I lack the programming skills to make it work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I’m nearly there. Apparently I need to also build GitHub - deezer/spleeter: Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
I’ll keep you updated. It would be nice to contribute the changes to upstream


Wrong spleeter :slight_smile: GitHub - gvne/spleeterpp: A C++ Inference library for the Spleeter project is what I need.

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Still trying to get the script running. To make sure, it’s not a v6 vs. v7 issue, I tried to run your v7 “pitch to region name (aubio).lua” script, that also uses “Session:nominal_sample_rate ()”. Lo and behold. This script also fails with the same error.

Do all relevant lua packages come with Ardour itself, or do I maybe have to install a separate package to make it work?

That script will definitely fail because you almost certainly don’t have the aubio library. Although I’d expect a different error.

Thanks for your reply. Here’s the log line:

LuaException: [string "ardour {..."]:16: attempt to index a nil value (global 'Session')

What I don’t understand is, that the Session:nominal_sample_rate () method is part of the current documentation https://manual.ardour.org/lua-scripting/class_reference/#ArdourUI:Selection So, why isn’t it working?

spleeter is actually included in the third-party folder. I’m making slow progress, someone in the github issues who has successfully built on Linux is also helping. — edit — seems like the included one is only for Mac…

I’m using this script currently in Ardour 8. Try the official build and see if it works for you.

I’m afraid, the current v8.2.0 throws the same error

LuaException: [string "ardour {..."]:19: attempt to index a nil value (global 'Session')

Strange, that it works for you. But I bothered you enough and I leave you alone now. Thanks anyway for all your help. Your other script already helps me a lot.

Which script are you testing in 8.2.0?

Got it to build, follow our journey in this thread - no Fonts · Issue #23 · mosynthkey/Melissa · GitHub :slight_smile:

Now I need to play around with it for a bit and hopefully it does everything I need and I can abandon my project!

Update: It seems to be missing a way to zoom in on the waveform, also I can’t move markers once they are placed, the EQ seems to be limited to just a single filter and doesn’t give any visual feedback.

Thanks to bear with me :slight_smile:
I still hope to get the add_loop_start/end scripts to work.

I hope so too :slight_smile:

Can you show me a screenshot of the script in the scripting window with the error? Maybe I’ll spot something helpful…


This screenshot was taken on v8.2.0, but the same error will occur on v7.5 When I comment out the “local sr = …” and “local pos = …” lines, no errors are thrown.

Very strange, I have no idea why that error is happening @x42 Any suggestions?

I’m pretty sure you will run into issues later though due to the time system switch between versions 6 and 7.

It’s getting late over here, so just a few quick questions, which I will read and reply to tomorrow.

  • The method appears to be valid in the current documentation. How can it be related to the time system switch issue then?
  • You mentioned, that the script is working on your installation (v8). Why isn’t it working on mine (v8)?
  • If I understand correctly (my programming days are long over and this is my first time with lua), this method simply requests a return value. If it is implemented correctly (which I assume it is), how could it be related to the time system switch issue?

Just a few late night thoughts…

P.S.: Where can I learn about the time system switch issues and how to handle them, should we ever get to any issues later? :slight_smile: