Recording drums and layering up

I can think of two ways (at least)

In edit mode (press E) you select the MIDI region > on the small keyboard on the header (left of the track) shift+click on a note/key (for example C2) > the respective notes on the region will be selected > press C and assign a MIDI channel to the notes > repeat for every drum piece (assuming you have 16 or less).

After that you route the MIDI track to a new bus, where you put at the very beginning a plugin to filter the channel you need. Duplicate the bus and adjust in the new ones the MIDI filter accordingly.

you route the MIDI track to a new bus, where you put at the very beginning a plugin to filter the MIDI note corresponding to the drum element you need. Duplicate the bus and adjust in the new ones the MIDI filter accordingly.

Yes, this will be useful. Thanks. Beginning to look like FGDP and Ardour
will be less awkward and painful as I feared.


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