PipeWire + JACK = Export freeze

I’m using 512 with ALSA and I tried various settings with PW+JACK. I do occasionally get the same issue when using ALSA so perhaps it is a system configuration issue and I’m just seeing it more regularly with JACK.

After more testing I’m seeing the same issue with ALSA too only not as frequently. It exports 200-400 ranges before it freezes.

BTW I asked in the IRC but didn’t see a reply there. I want to commission a couple of additions to the exporter window, is this something you do?

Wow, that are a a lot of ranges. So this likely a different issue (as opposed to pipewire getting stuck on freewheeling switches).

Before export, could you open the Log Window, and see if there is an error message?

“TransportFSM::bad_transition …” or “Duplicate Transport State Event …” or “Cannot prepare transport for export” - Those have meanwhile been fixed for multi-range export.

Apparently you left the chat before I was awake.

Feature requests should usually go to tracker.ardour.org, but IRC helps to discuss things first.

The joy of exporting samples :slight_smile:

I see no error in the log when the freeze occurs with either ALSA or JACK/PW. Should I give Ardour 7 a try?

Yes, it might be worth a shot. Export has significantly changed (now there’s also MIDI stem export etc). – be sure to create a backup of the session before opening it in A7.

If the issue persists, could you share a session that causes it, or provide a step by step recipe how to reproduce the issue?

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Thanks, I’ll give it a try and get back to you

My test with A7 seemed to be going well. But I got to about 270 ranges and then received this error (both with JACK/PW and ALSA):


I noticed 1 (possibly 2) other bugs with the nightly build. Do I report these or do I wait until A7 is released before reporting?

Is it a higher or lower buffer that makes the export faster? And is there a reason Ardour doesn’t use the fastest settings possible automatically when exporting?

Looks like I already made the feature request a couple of years ago and forgot about it.

As mentioned in the pre-release warning, IRC is best to discuss issues.

The feature request is a good one. Although since the list has individual checkboxes it is not trivial to allow range-selection toggles. It’ll be a bit of work to make this happen.

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I guess I should pay more attention :slight_smile:

I’ll send you a PM with a link to one of the projects I’m working on that I’m having the issue with.

Edit: @x42 How do I send a PM? :slight_smile:

on IRC? /msg x42 ... but email also works fine robin@garues.org.

If you can reproduce the Memory Pool overflow, could you run a recently nightly version (7.0-pre0-3140 or later) from the commandline?

Ardour now prints the complete memory-pool content which may allow us to deduce why it fills up.

Ah cool, I’ll do this today.

I updated to 0-3140. This time I got a segfault and no error message.

Edit: One thing I just realised is the files loaded into these projects are all .flac, I don’t know if that makes a difference.

Thanks that perfectly explains it the issue!

“TransportStateChange” events are not handled while exporting, and just accumulate in the event-queue.

Those events are not relevant during export and can be ignored, but it looks like 2 are added for each export range (start, stop transport). After 512 such events have accumulated … boom.

Ah I see so my massive amount of ranges revealed the issue :slight_smile:

Indeed. This should now be fixed and since 7.0-pre0-3144 you should be able to export as many ranges as you like.

Thanks for helping to track this down!

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Thanks, I’ll give it a try and report back.

Sadly some plugins may produce different sound depending on buffer-size.

Even though Ardour splits the plugin’s process-cycle for automation-events, internal
interpolation of control values inside the plugin between automation events may or may not depend on the process block size. Some synths also collect events for a buffer first.

Depending on the plugins you use, there may be subtle differences when exporting at
different block-sizes.

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Yep just gave it a whirl and seems to be working. Thanks again!

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