OpenSource - PlugIn Base stack

I tried to build it on Windows 10 64-Bit (with MSYS2 and later with Cygwin64) and also on Debian12 which failed. There where some unresolvable dependencies and strange version conflicts at some point. Later on i was able to build it in a Ubuntu Studio LTS VM but even then there where dozens of warnings regarding deprecated GTK2 code usage but at least the binaries where build
(Ardour8.2.1 and Ardour8) in the GTK2_Ardour prefix path.

And i think making it a bit more approachable and fun to work with (especially for new users) can be a fruitful and constructive discussion. So far i like the combo Surge XT and Drumgizzmo right now a lot and i was able to do my first Drumkit with Drumgizzmo (just with a Text editor, fiddling in the XML) and it worked out for me - but it wasn’t exactly fun and took few hours before i could start making music.

This sounds very interesting!

Have you reported this to drumgizmo developers?
There should be no need to edit the XML.

Of course you don’t need Audio Distros, is it just about dire need?

See what happens if OSX or Windows ever released a “Windows 11 Content Creator Edition” similarly equipped as Ubuntu Studio… Do you think new people wanting to do serious production on those platforms wouldn’t install it?? Is it ‘arrogance’ if Linux affords the flexibility to customize for tailor made applications…?

If you think there is no purpose or need for specialization I would suggest installing Ubuntu Studio and honing it to your liking then uninstall it and install Vanilla Ubuntu and see how well you can pick up from there… I think you may appreciate their arrogance…


No, but i use Ardour 8 primary on Windows and as far as i understand Drumgizzmo it has no working Editor for Windows - only for Linux.

Sure i could build the Patch Editor from source
but decided against it.

So i downloaded one of the Drumkits from Drumgizzmos download page and used it as template and edited the xml config files with the Geany text editor. It worked out for me.

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I think the official Drumgizmo editor for Windows is Notepad++.

Yeah but Notepad++ Author has some very strange views and the code is done with the Delphi Programming Environment (requires a commercial license) and is coded in a exotic programming language called Object Pascal.

So, Notepad++ faith depends entirely on the good will of 1 specific person and Closed Source Software which requires Online Activation and a payware license, which isn’t a good overall situation for a Open Source project.

I can recommend the Geany Text editor or KDE’s Kate, both working on all platforms, are fully Open Source including the Development tools and written in a main stream programming language, so updates and support is better and you can extend and customize both editors even more then Notepad++

VIM/gVIM is also a good work horse.

But using Windows is just fine…??


It was supposed to be a joke meaning “just edit the XML yourself,” but apparently the attempt at humor didn’t land very well.


This will be focused on Linux.

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One option would be to have a “Downloader” (like the current curated sample set, Ardour > Window > Library Downloader), still that would depend on someone maintaining a list of plugins and provide them in a platform independent installer format).

Please take a look at how Godot, another successful FLOSS project, does it. I think that’s the best approach:

It’s close to KXStudio list:

except falkTX only provides Linux versions. Personally I am happy with outsourcing plugin packaging to 3rd parties. Many GNU/Linux distros do a good job at it, too.


Looks promising.

Maybe some sort of
categories filters could be usefull like:

→ Synths
→ Samplers
→ Drums
→ Reverbs
→ Delays
→ Compressors
→ Gates
→ EQs
→ Dynamics
→ Modulation
→ Limiter
→ Maximizer
→ Exciter
→ Multiband EQs
→ Clipping control
→ Genre Templates
→ Mixdown options

This reminds me… has just that.

But making some “click to install” would require each plugin to be

  1. legally [re]distributable
  2. in a bespoke installable package format
    2a. that also supports updates
  3. available for the given platform you use

and effectively we just reinvented Linux distributions :slight_smile: or homebrew for macOS.


I think this is a noble idea but even those online Plugin listings often fall out of date or have missed updates. I work with commercial Vendors for AV Linux and an increasing number of Vendors both in Open Source and Commercial projects are sick and tired of Linux packaging BS (don’t get them started on libc6…) and have little use for system-wide installations and are providing their own installers either with simple scripts or fancy GUI’s to install in the User’s home folder… good luck getting all that unified AND putting all the licensing and redistribution issues in order…

I’ve learned over 15 years of seeing a lot of things come and go that there is little hope of getting all Plugins all under one roof or within one application, you would definitely need a full-time multi-person team to even consider it…


Yes. But besides this, there is something i really find awful and i ran into using Cubase for many many years but i feel it’s not a Cubase only problem.

PlugIns from a old projects doesn’t load anymore.

If you do a track, it’s a peace of art and sometimes real hard work and means something to you.
And it really is a downer if you simply cannot load your old Project anymore or it suddenly sounds completely different. It would be so awesome if someone could invent a all way’s compatible PlugIn Host API which will load any PlugIn from stable version 1 up to stable version 99999999

A tale from Cubase:
As i upgraded from Cubase 2.2 -32-Bit then to Cubase 5.1 32-Bit and then to Cubase 10 64-Bit,
it was a real disaster. Any older track was trashed, even if you followed the upgrade path and this
was mostly because Plug’Ins wouldn’t load/work anymore! And on never Operating systems you couldn’t install or run older Cubase versions anymore as well.

For me a s a private person it was a disaster and i cannot imagine what a big studio will do in such a situation…

I don’t know if someone experienced something similar with Ardours but if yes a allays available
Base Plugin stack could mitigate the worst, especially for older Projects.

Always bounce your tracks to audio for archiving purposes.


I have been a Linux user for 20 years and this problem is historic in this ecosystem. My opinion is that there should not be the current disparity of application packaging and that regardless of the particularities there should be a common entry point for documentation and categorization of tools, making it easier for users or distros to compose their plugin or application bundles. I also think, as I have said in other threads that if there was a global vision of the Linux Audio community, there would be an answer for applications that today are only found at the proprietary level like Autotune, or audio cleanup… with the level of compatibility through OS, could give some commercial traction and gain user base. The lack of synergies is what causes these shortcomings. A funding system could even be organized for the entire chain of distros, DAWs and plugins so that the entire development chain benefits from community support. I am aware that it is hugely complex and to me the fact that Ardour exists, or Drumgizmo or LSP and Airwindows is a miracle. Hugs to all.

As @x42 has already noted, we do not allow further development of any of the plugins included with Ardour for precisely this reason.

As @x42 has also noted, this is one the primary reasons we have no desire to try to expand the set of “blessed” plugins we distribute with Ardour. It’s not hard to make the case that the current ACE Compressor is “finished” when it is only trying to be a reasonable sounding basic compressor. You cannot make that case for much more complex plugins (e.g. Surge XT), where it is reasonable for the developer to expand and alter functionality and even tone over time.


Makes sense.
Is this also the case for the General MIDI-Synth
or is there maybe a small list of freezed PlugIn we can allways rely on besides the ACE Compressor?

It was just a idea. But i realize now why it would be a bad idea to include Surge XT.

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