MIDI mapping/binding with .wav or .mp3


i want to map a .wav file (or any other audio file format) to the piano roll to use in a MIDI track to sample some sounds. Is that possible through Ardour or any Ardour plugin?

Thanks in advance

You’ll have to use any sampler (or sample-player) plugin.

On GNU/Linux, one option is https://lsp-plug.in/?page=manuals&section=sampler_stereo (but there are other options, too).

Thanks a lot. I think thats exactly what I need. But when I load a file into the sampler, it only maps it to one key on the keyboard. Is there a way to automatically map the sound to all keys in their equivalent pitch?

Depends on the sampler, not sure about the LSP sampler, but yes some samplers will attempt to pitch shift the material appropriately for other keys if you tell them to. Maybe others can jump in with recommendations on Linux for this.

You could create a simple SFZ file and play it through something like sfizz. This should work:


<region> trigger=attack pitch_keycenter=60 lokey=36 hikey=84 sample=sound.wav

Just switch out your desired pitch center, low and high keys, and the sample name. You can use pitch names like c2 and c6 instead of numbers, too.

LSP sampler have no any pitch shifting possibilities, as I know/

I think, samplv1 - is the best solution today to play with sample through piano-roll in Ardour. If you are connected to KXStudio repository, you’ll get it there (version 0.9.12 if I’m not mistaken)…


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I thank you so much thats exactly what I needed. I have to get used to the mixer settingt tho but thats no problem. First I had some issues getting sound out of the plugin. After some searching I found out that you have to put a-reasonable synth before the samplv1 plugin and mute it (a-reasonable synth [muted] > samplv1 > fader).
Everything works perfectly!
Thaks a lot!

That seems wrong. Why do you have to do this? What happens when you remove a-reasonable synth?

The plugin doesnt make any sound whatsoever. I think the reasonable synth triggers the samplv1 plugin.

It shouldn’t be in any way needed. Can you open the pin connections window on a non-working and working track with samplv1 and post screenshots?



Not working:

Well I see the problem.

In the non-working config there are no audio outputs connected (Green Lines). Add one or two audio outputs In that dialog and connect the green lines on the bottom of the instance to them.


well that makes sense thanks. So a-reasonable synth just fixes these connections “accidentally”?

Short version yes, though the truth is a-reasonable synth actually works like it should IMO, if a synth is inserted on a MIDI track, Audio ports should be added, and I believe (But am not certain) that is how it is supposed to work by design, but something isn’t working there that might need to be investigated more.


I might write KXStudio about that issue

i can suggest you https://www.renoise.com/products/redux
which is cheap and one of the best samplers (and for me big deal - it’s multiplatform)

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