Import drum track made with Hydrogen

Don’t forget to share your tracks if you like to, & have fun!
Oh, by the way you have almost nothing to learn with DrumGizmo, it’just a drum sample player that can be used like that (and automate as an Ardour template):
*putting its pre-fader LV2 plugin on a midi track in Ardour
*load the kit and MIDI map in it
*connect the outputs to audio tracks where you can add gate, compressor, EQ, aux. send, etc
*play the MIDI file & record sound
more details down here if the “humanizer” button of the plugin make you feel that it can save a lot of your time passed for setting velocities manually (and it does!!):

As always, thanks alot for your never-appreciated-enough advices and suggestions. And it’s not too little by a Tele lover (to a Strato lover) lol

does your message suggest that you have used Drumgizmo and like it?
:slight_smile: you will smile, I take that aka years ago according to that guitar as you guess. Since, I play a sunburst Tele now…
Have fun!

Nope, actually I’m under torture which translated meand I’m building another drum base. It’s a real pain in the (Y) lol
I’ve took a look at the link and maybe I’ll try it. I have to check it out better and with some time. But. Can I use the gizmo to the bases I made with H2? I mean, can I bring the base inside Ardour and work it with the Gizmo? I haven’t changed any volume so I can work each instrument according to the ones I will record later in Ardour. I’ve only changed some lenghts.
Last but not least: in the end, you’ve got to the Serious Guitar. Finally. Lmao

Import MIDI track from Hydrogen to Ardour & there is no problem to benefit of the good sounds of Drumgizmo in it. If you’re used to Ardour & plugins settings it takes less than 30 minutes to kiff a sound. and something like 2 minutes when you have made your template in A5…
When write you’ve changed lenghts of percussive instruments, what do you meant?
& & & Yes I agree Sir: a serious (since asian) guit is @home now!

Of course. All Made in Japan or China here, lol. Lenghts. I mean working the notes, or beats, making then a little anticipated or posticipated on the metronome. The awesome thing is yesterday I’ve tried to connect my Fat Track and it appears in the list within Ardour. Super.

Oh I understand you’re moving notes around the beat, have done that often… Have you tried to:
*decide that the drummer have e.g. a faster left side, and legs slower than arms (most of humans beings are ‘connected’ in that kind of mood, due to a physical distance between a part of the brain & different muscles)
*so select all kicks and move them all in 1 drag slowly after the beat (etc. for all items of each members depending on the “fast order” decided)

  • then listen to it and add some more (or less) distance to the beat for some notes

Is what you call “fat track” your MIDI drumtrack in Hydrogen? In what list does it appears in Ardour?

Sorry exStrat-nowTele, I answered to you yesterday but it seems the answer didn’t go. No, the “fat” track it’s my M-Audio FAST track Pro; often I mistype letters while typing. Damn fingers, you know…
And yes connecting the board to the computer it appears in the list inside Ardour. Well I don’t remember what list, probably the one with the list of devices.
What you’re wrote seems good, that Gizmo. I’ll check it out sooner or later to see how to make it works the drum tracks I made with H2 within Ardour.

Oh I see, those fingers who made fret noises :stuck_out_tongue:
I think most soundcards are recognized by Ardour
Give that post an answer when you have done,
have fun!

hey, this is how I use drumgizmo and Hydrogen… Hydrogen to to write the patterns and midi connected to Ardour(if that makes sense).

Also when I use just Hydrogen, I connect multi-outputs from H2 to Ardour giving each instrument is own track so you can eq, compress, etc to fit the need of the song.