'Disk can't keep up with Ardour' errors

Thanks for the help!

I ordered more RAM today and hope that will help. I also have a lot of takes of instruments with two tracks (two different mics/mic placements). I will merge each take into one track and that will save some resources. BUT, right now, I’m running into this problem and I’m not using effects on every track. I’m running six guitar tracks through one Bus and putting effects on the bus instead of each individual track. Can’t imagine what would happen if I tried to but effects on each track instead.

Anyway, I’ll report back what, if any, improvement the RAM has.

Thanks again for all your help!


Installed 4GB of RAM and it’s much better. :slight_smile: In my initial test, I notice the play head lagged a time or two, but the audio never crapped out. This is good. I still plan on combining the tracks where I used two mics to record the same take. I think I need to export those (mute everything but the two tracks I want to merge and export them) then bring them back into Ardour. Does that sound like the best/easiest way to do this?

I also need to settle on which takes of each instrument to keep and toss the rest.

Thanks for all the help!


wasw reading back at this thread and cought onto you mentioned the graphics became a bit sluggish?

this might be an indication of where the problem is though might not be exactly the problem

nvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=2 -a GlyphCache=1

try this

theres also reports of puting this in your xorg.conf

Option “PixmapCacheSize” “200000”
aswell as the nvidia-settings command helping some cards and chipsets.

i certainly noticed a big improvement from just the nvidia-settings command. but not everyone it helps

what graphics do you have in your laptop?

I had an issue with my desktop machine with onboard nvidia graphics (nforce 401 geforce 6100) that the gui would be sluggish. this was probablty due to a bug. I managed to improve it with some nvidia-settings command line options

Thanks veda_sticks.

Here’s what my Mac Profile says:
Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
Type: GPU
Bus: PCI
VRAM (Total): 256 MB
Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
Device ID: 0x0866
Revision ID: 0x00b1
ROM Revision: 3384

Whenever, I would get an awful noise during playback or leading up to getting the error message that the computer couldn’t keep up with Ardour, the playhead would get “stuck” then jump forward, etc. eventually crapping out. So, maybe I need make your suggested changes.

BTW, in what file does the following code go, and is it a new line, or is it modifying an existing line?
nvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=2 -a GlyphCache=1


veda_sticks assumed you were on linux, those instructions don’t apply to you on OS X.


Thanks, Seablade.

I’m in the process of bouncing two tracks into one track. I know I want to keep the sampling rate the same, but what about the bit depth? I assume I want this to match the bit depth of all my other tracks. How do I find out the bit depth of my session? My sampling rate is 88.2.


When you import your tracks they are converted to the same bit depth as if you had recorded them IIRC. So you shouldn’t need to worry about it.

By default I believe Ardour uses a 32 Bit floating point format.


Thanks Seablade,

And I guess that WAV and AIFF are both zero loss formats?


They are both completely uncompressed formats, and yes they are lossless as a result.


Do projects ever become “buggy”? I ask because I was bouncing and importing some files and the project has become very unstable. Recent versions crash as soon as they’re open and I have had to go back several versions and start again only to have the problems repeat.

I wonder if I should try and bounce all the tracks and create a new project and import them. Would that be like starting over and do you think it would make it more stable?

BTW, I’m still using Ardour2x on Mac OS.

Thanks for your help. I’m getting ready to abandon Ardour if I can’t this resolved.


Well the most common cause is plugins loaded into the session, some can be decent quality and some not quite so much and cause problems. Do you have any plugins loaded?


Yeah, let’s see. I’m using Focusrite’s Scarlette Compressor, EQ, Reverb. As of now, I think that’s it.


You really should jump on IRC at this point, we are going to need to see the crash reports and troubleshooting this happens best in ‘real time’ as opposed to on a forum.

In the meantime you can post the crash report here to take a look at.


How do I post the report on IRC? Copy and paste it?






once you have copied the crash report to



post the link to irc


I see you got on IRC, sadly the news was not good also. It did not appear to be plugin related, it appeared to be something deep within one of the libraries Ardour uses, and not easy to fix. As was mentioned probably the only option at the moment is to wait for the new version of A3 when it is actually released on OS X. Sorry.
