AV Linux Base 23.5 "Greatest Hits" Released

Insightful post :slight_smile: To be fair, if you want that lo-fi low-key mom and pop experience, then there are interesting and unique Linux OSes like Void and NixOS etc. Even #!++ (crunch bang plus plus) is a fun, quirky wee thing that’s rewarding to use as a Daily.

Anyway, although you raise a fair point and your Greatest Hits distro has a lot of value, I think it’s beneficial to have modern ‘one size fits all’ distros for new users and/or people who aren’t interested in the OS itself. Eg. Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora and, at a push, Manjaro (although that’s debatable).

Great work on this new flavour of AV Linux, Glen :slight_smile: I look forward to givjng it a wee spin soonest…!

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Yes, good point. Because it’s FOSS there will always be a ‘counterculture’ element out there and the ones who don’t go quietly… (ie the Devuan, antiX, Artix pushback against systemd). Mabox and BunsenLabs also come to mind as contemporary projects brimming with that type of ingenuity, very effective utilities but you can still see some of the homespun qualities…

Certainly not all Mom and Pop shops will get bulldozed, some will change the facade to become metaphorical Craft Breweries and Artisanal food outlets, same stuff… different branding… I do maintain this kind of stuff will be more suited to Linux “foodies” than new Users entering the platform…

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Hey, no fair giving away the bidness plan for my new slide-hustle!

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