Ardour Lua API Code Completion Extension for VS Code

Hi All,

I created an extension for Visual Studio Code, which adds IntelliSense features for Ardour Lua scripts. The extension uses Sumneko’s Lua Language Server with EmmyLua annotations. The EmmyLua annotations are automatically generated by web-scraping the Lua Bindings Class Reference.

Here is a video on how to install and use the extension:


Wow, that’s nice!

Where does the actual extracted content reside?

How does that work? Is it easy to update, or was there manual labor involved?

There might be a simpler way: That html-page is generated from two JSON files: One generated by clang which extracts doxygen comments, and one produced by Ardour that just prints all available bindings). The process is automated ardour/ at master · Ardour/ardour · GitHub

Where does the actual extracted content reside?

It resides in api/6.x/ardour.lua

How does that work? Is it easy to update, or was there manual labor involved?

I created a Java program to automatically generate the EmmyLua annotations. I’ve just uploaded it on github: ardour-emmy-lua-tools

There might be a simpler way: That html-page is generated from two JSON files:

Yeah, it would have been simpler with extracting from JSON…

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