Ardour is CPU hungry on Windows 11

I think we should stress here that the information is not only unreliable but also outdated and simply wrong or even ridiculous. Let’s see the cons list: „ Relies on JACK”, „Pre-built releases are paid and the only way to get the program for free is to build it yourself”, „Too many plugins”. :slight_smile:

That’s really funny. Ardour has many cons of course, but literary none is listed there.


That is indeed true. I echo your thoughts. BandLab’s Cakewalk has also become a popular DAW, and it is also free. I also find it quite fulfilling. My curiosity to understand and delve into the workings of different software compels me to try different DAWs from time to time. For me, it’s like trying different cuisines or musical styles. In the same way, when I buy a car, I always choose a different brand each time, eager to explore the different features of different models, regardless of the quality of my previous vehicle. :blue_car: :red_car: :racing_car:

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