The Briscati wav files do not contain any quad.
How can I combine L and R to get the stereo with LV2 Convolution? Briscati does contain M to S files, those don’t work?
Klangfalter plugins don’t work in my system, MXLinux. Maybe I need something more updated.
I’m running MXLinux and AntiX (the best audio platform I’ve come across!) and Klangfalter works just fine. Have you enabled the usual repos like KXStudio etc? With both those distros I started with the default ISOs and added everything I needed through repos and individual debs. The only plugin I’ve ever had to compile by hand was noise-repellent and it was totally worth it. At this point the only product I’m missing for professional classical music work is a good spectral editor and I’m afraid the newer Audacity spectral stuff just isn’t in the same league as RX both in quality and workflow (while admitting that for all other audio tasks when you don’t want to fire up a DAW it is amazing).
Thank you very much, bachstudies!! working!! Now I listen the stereo… I find the Vienna archive especially beautiful!!!
I haven’t added any other repository.
Which ones do you advise me to add?
What do you install from those repositories? Everything? Ardour too? Can’t make the system unstable?
In my experience, the system won’t get unstable as long as you stick to the usual audio repos. As I said, try the KXStudio ones for a start: I will look later to see which others I added. If the various respos have updated apps and plugins they will show up in your update manager automatically or when you run sudo apt update. And for things to install, use something like Synaptic and filter just the audio repos to browse. I have a list of favorite apps that I will also share later too. One that I use quite a lot that I download separately direct from the website is Loudmax as it includes various latest features like intersample peak limiting option but as Robin Gareus pointed out in a different thread, you could just use his x42-dpl and have Ardour’s loudness feature calculate things in export to ensure you get to your -1dB true peak or whatever you use.
I haven’t seen anyone mentioning buses and multiple plugins. I tend to get a better result with reverbs if I put them on stereo buses, add sends on the audio tracks and leave them dry (except for eqs or whatever). You can even put a couple of reverbs with different settings inline and maybe use two or three stereo buses in parallel, make one 100% wide and the next 75% and so on. Maybe eq them a bit different. Just make sure you set the last reverb in each chain to 100% wet. It’s a bit of hack, but it will give you a much more complex and pleasant sounding reverb. In the end I usually group the buses and adjust reverb level with the faders. This makes a/b listening really easy. Just hit “mute” on the stereo reverb bus group to hear the dry track.
Thank you Red_Shed, I listened something similar but I don’t know very well how to do.
Can you share a tutorial, or better… a basic Ardour file with this configuration?
Anyway I only use a stereo bus for the reverb. I have two tracks, one for each mic that I send to the stereo reverb bus.
Yes that’s the one! I normally use it as a last catch-all when I’m aiming for a particular LUFS level and there are the occasional pesky percussion hits that want to rise about -1dB. We are talking limiting 1 or 2 dB and Loudmax sounds very transparent for this. For sustained singing or similar that rides the ceiling for too long, I find that most limiters can’t keep great transparency (the best I’ve found is Flux Elixir using multiple stages) so at that point I use some very gentle compression with low threshold and re-calibrate. More recently I’ve been looking at the loudness range meters from the moment I import the files so I’ll quickly get a sense of whether compression will be necessary.
Agreed! I love using this method with Mixbus and have replicated in my other DAWs too. However, for simple projects I often keep the reverb on the track and just dial in the percentage between wet and dry. I have a gain slider and “adjust to” button via the Multimeter plugin I end up using to measure loudness so it’s easy to hit the desired LUFS level again.
This sounds very interesting and extremely intricate. I’m not doubting that it makes a lovely reverb tail but seems overkill given plugins like Phoenixverb/Nimbus, Seventh Heaven, Verberate, Bricasti IRs etc. I don’t think I’ve ever desired anything more complicated/rich than one instance of one of these but you’ve certainly piqued my interest
I would love to help you with a tutorial or a projectfile, but unfortunately I’m away from home the next couple of days and don’t have access to any computer with Ardour where I’m at right now, so you’d have to wait a week for it.
As I said, it’s more of a workaround that could be used if you don’t have the best reverb plugins around. With good plugs it’s probably better to use them as intended. I would also very careful and pay good attention to cpu load before lining up nine instances of the same plugin!
there’s also the gvst plugins – – they’re available for linux – they’re not being maintained anymore but so far they’re stable when I try them.
for gverb, confusingly it comes in a couple of varieties – the original gverb that was ported to ladspa may actually look different than the others ported by harrison.
the traditional gverb looks something like this,
packaged under the name swh-plugins (debian-based systems – package name may be similar for your distro)
^ goes to nice details on how to use gverb… It compares it to “freeverb” which is supposed to be easier though I don’t think I’ve ever used it.
(it too is packaged, – bundled in package “cmt”)
I think the plugin “Gverb” that was being referred to on the thread is this one,
I suppose the gverb release by harrisson consoles would yield the best value in reverb effect. As for between freeverb3 and gverb-by-juhana, I wouldn’t know as I haven’t dabbled with freeverb3 well enough to know. It comes down to fidelity by user expectation, so try them all out and see which one works best for the case.
I’m still quite new to audio production and still picking things up as I go, so I’ve been doing some research, and if I may, I noticed something of a comment around “spectral” support (for Linux)…
@anon60445789: have you ever used vamp plugins for the spectral analysis? from what I gather these plugins work with both audacity and sonic visualizer. I am on the verge of trying these out when I noticed you are looking possibly for the same thing…(no professional in audio – still learning the ins and outs of audio production).
Thanks for this. I think this is purely a visualizer, if I’m not mistaken? I’m looking for software to surgically remove coughs, chair squeaks etc. In the Windows domain I’m familiar with Cedar, RX, Acoustica Premium, Samplitude/Sequoia, Wavelab, Reaper (basic features) and more. For Linux, Audacity now does spectral editing but I don’t think it is intuitive/time-effective. I would desperately like to be proved wrong! RX seems to be the winner by far given the price point, ease of workflow and resulting audio.
I’m surprised by the fact that x42’s convolver sounds better… They should sound the same (if the same settings). I guess I need to try it myself…
I do like and use x42’s convolver quite a bit, but I use it for cabinet simulation rather than reverb. I think it does not have a predelay setting (or some other setting I needed with reverb).
Of course, all that matters is that works well for you!
Sadly in my experience you are not wrong. I have run RX in Wine before, I haven’t tried lately, but that was my solution for that. I don’t know of a good solution for spectral editing in Linux in the same realm as RX sadly.